Anukesh Krishnan Kutty Ambika
Cited by
Cited by
Remotely sensed high resolution irrigated area mapping in India for 2000 to 2015
AK Ambika, B Wardlow, V Mishra
Scientific data 3 (1), 1-14, 2016
Moist heat stress extremes in India enhanced by irrigation
V Mishra, AK Ambika, A Asoka, S Aadhar, J Buzan, R Kumar, M Huber
Nature Geoscience 13 (11), 722-728, 2020
Observational evidence of irrigation influence on vegetation health and land surface temperature in India
AK Ambika, V Mishra
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (22), 13441-13451, 2019
Substantial decline in atmospheric aridity due to irrigation in India
AK Ambika, V Mishra
Environmental Research Letters 15 (12), 124060, 2020
Modulation of compound extremes of low soil moisture and high vapor pressure deficit by irrigation in India
AK Ambika, V Mishra
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 126 (7), e2021JD034529, 2021
Improved water savings and reduction in moist heat stress caused by efficient irrigation
AK Ambika, V Mishra
Earth's Future 10 (4), e2021EF002642, 2022
Gangotri glacier dynamics from multi-sensor SAR and optical data
PK Thakur, AK Ambika, SM Bisht, A Stein, A Mahagaonkar, U Kumar, ...
Advances in Space Research 72 (2), 309-326, 2023
Enhancing drought monitoring and assessment capability in India through high-resolution (250 m) data
A Ambika, V Mishra
Earth System Science Data Discussions 2022, 1-24, 2022
Global warming amplifies outdoor extreme moist heat during the Indian summer monsoon
AK Ambika, A Rajeev, M Huber
Earth's Future 12 (7), e2024EF004673, 2024
Role of irrigation on hydroclimatic extremes in India
AKK Ambika, V Mishra
AGU23, 2023
Mapping the Flash Flood Susceptibility in the Hilly Terrains of India
JS Nanditha, AD Tiwari, AKK Ambika
AGU23, 2023
Role of irrigation on hydroclimatic extremes in India
AK Krishnankutty Ambika, V Mishra
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023, GC52B-04, 2023
Reply to comment on “improved water savings and reduction in moist heat stress caused by efficient irrigation” by Meetpal S. Kukal
AK Ambika, V Mishra
Earth's Future 11 (6), e2023EF003635, 2023
Irrigation alleviates compound hot extremes in India.
A Ambika, V Mishra
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, GC51C-04, 2021
Impacts of irrigation on hydroclimatic extremes in India
AK Ambika
Gandhinagar, 2021
Strong linkage between irrigation and land surface cooling in India
A Krishnankutty Ambika, V Mishra
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 21154, 2020
High-resolution vegetation drought monitoring in India
AK Ambika, V Mishra
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, H43G-2523, 2018
Development of High Resolution Data for Irrigated Area and Cropping Patterns in India
KA Ambika, V Mishra
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2015
Advancing Hydrologic Processes to Improve Flood Prediction
JS Nanditha, AD Tiwari, AKK Ambika
AGU24, 0
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