Dr. Debasis Tripathy
Dr. Debasis Tripathy
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Sandip Institute of Engineering and Mgt.
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Cited by
Performance comparison of SMO-based fuzzy PID controller for load frequency control
D Tripathy, AK Barik, NBD Choudhury, BK Sahu
Soft Computing for Problem Solving: SocProS 2017, Volume 2, 879-892, 2019
Optimal Load-frequency regulation of Demand response supported Isolated Hybrid Microgrid using Fuzzy PD+I Controller
AK Barik, D Tripathy, DC Das, SC Sahoo
Intelligent Techniques and Applications in Science and Technology (Springer …, 2020
Spider monkey optimization based fuzzy-2D-PID controller for load frequency control in two-area multi source interconnected power system
D Tripathy, BK Sahu, B Patnaik, NBD Choudhury
2018 Technologies for Smart-City Energy Security and Power (ICSESP), 1-6, 2018
RETRACTED: A novel cascaded fuzzy PD-PI controller for load frequency study of solar-thermal/wind generator-based interconnected power system using grasshopper optimization …
D Tripathy, NBD Choudhury, BK Sahu
International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Education 60 (1_suppl …, 2023
Grasshopper optimization algorithm based fuzzy PD-PI cascade controller for LFC of interconnected power system coordinate with renewable sources
D Tripathy, NBD Choudhury, S Behera, BK Sahu
2020 IEEE Calcutta Conference (CALCON), 111-116, 2020
Implementation of Grasshopper optimization algorithm based cascaded fuzzy PD-PI controller for frequency stability in a multi-area power system
D Tripathy, S Behera, NB Dev Choudhury
Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics 23 (2), 335-345, 2020
Detection & mitigation of power quality disturbances using WPT & FACTS technology
AK Barik, D Tripathy, AK Mohanty
Int. J. Sci. Eng. Technol. Res 2, 336-343, 2013
Comparative Analysis of FACTS coordinated Hybrid Power System with RFB for AGC using GOA based F-2DOF-PID Controller
D Tripathy, AK Barik, NB DevChoudhury, BK Sahu
Intelligent Techniques and Applications in Science and Technology 12, 209-218, 2020
Spider Monkey Optimization Based Cascade Controller for LFC of a Hybrid Power System
D Tripathy, BK Sahu, NB DevChoudhury, S Dawn
International Journal of Computational Intelligence & IoT 2 (4), 747-753, 2019
Comparative performance assessment of several Fractional Order-2 degree freedom controllers tuned using GOA for LFC
D Tripathy, NB DevChoudhury, BK Sahu
International Journal of Computational Intelligence & Data Science, 1-11, 2019
Brief study on applications of phasor measurement units in smartgrid technology
S Behera, NBD Choudhury, D Tripathy
2021 1st international conference on power electronics and energy (ICPEE), 1-5, 2021
Power forecasting with minimal loss using lstm and pv model
S Padhan, D Tripathy
2021 1st International Conference on Power Electronics and Energy (ICPEE), 1-6, 2021
Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm based Fuzzy-2DOF-PID Controller for LFC of Interconnected System with Nonlinearities
D Tripathy, NBD Choudhury, BK Sahu
International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development (IJSESD …, 2019
Performance improvement using GOA based Fuzzy-2D-PIDF controller for AGC of multi-area power system
D Tripathy, NBD Choudhury, BK Sahu
International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development (IJSESD …, 2019
Performance improvement for optimum positioning of PMUs using binary dragonfly algorithm and loss minimization of transmission network
S Behera, NBD Choudhury, D Tripathy, R Panda, SK Bhagat
2020 International Conference on Renewable Energy Integration into Smart …, 2020
Performance Assessment of Fuzzy-Two Degree of Freedom-PID Controller Tuned with Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm for AGC Incorporating Non-Conventional Sources
D Tripathy, NB DevChoudhury, BK Sahu
Journal of Advance Research in Dynamical & Control Systems 11 (Special issue …, 2019
Techno economic analysis of optimal load scheduling approach in a standalone hybrid microgrid system
PK Kushwaha, C Bhattacharjee, D Tripathy
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 16 (6), 2024
A virtual instrument for electrical power quality analysis using wavelet technology in real-time
D Tripathy, AK Barik, SB Rao, R Rout
International Journal of Power System Operation and Energy Management 3 (2 …, 2013
Performance Assessment of Interconnected Power System with AHA Based Feedforward Control
AK Barik, D Tripathy, BK Sahu
2024 3rd Odisha International Conference on Electrical Power Engineering …, 2024
Feedforward Frequency Control of Interconnected Power System Using Artificial Hummingbird Algorithm
D Tripathy, AK Barik, BK Sahu
2024 3rd Odisha International Conference on Electrical Power Engineering …, 2024
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Articles 1–20