Hulikal Krishnamurthy
Hulikal Krishnamurthy
Indian Institute of Science
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Monitoring dopants by Raman scattering in an electrochemically top-gated graphene transistor
A Das, S Pisana, B Chakraborty, S Piscanec, SK Saha, UV Waghmare, ...
Nature nanotechnology 3 (4), 210-215, 2008
Synthesis, structure, and properties of boron‐and nitrogen‐doped graphene
LS Panchakarla, KS Subrahmanyam, SK Saha, A Govindaraj, ...
Advanced Materials 21 (46), 4726-4730, 2009
Renormalization-group approach to the Anderson model of dilute magnetic alloys. I. Static properties for the symmetric case
HR Krishna-Murthy, JW Wilkins, KG Wilson
Physical Review B 21 (3), 1003, 1980
Renormalization-group approach to the Anderson model of dilute magnetic alloys. II. Static properties for the asymmetric case
HR Krishna-Murthy, JW Wilkins, KG Wilson
Physical Review B 21 (3), 1044, 1980
Nonlocal dynamical correlations of strongly interacting electron systems
MH Hettler, AN Tahvildar-Zadeh, M Jarrell, T Pruschke, HR Krishnamurthy
Physical Review B 58 (12), R7475, 1998
Superfluid and insulating phases in an interacting-boson model: Mean-field theory and the RPA
K Sheshadri, HR Krishnamurthy, R Pandit, TV Ramakrishnan
Europhysics Letters 22 (4), 257, 1993
Dynamical cluster approximation: Nonlocal dynamics of correlated electron systems
MH Hettler, M Mukherjee, M Jarrell, HR Krishnamurthy
Physical Review B 61 (19), 12739, 2000
Magnetic hysteresis in two model spin systems
M Rao, HR Krishnamurthy, R Pandit
Physical Review B 42 (1), 856, 1990
Two-impurity Kondo problem
C Jayaprakash, HR Krishna-Murthy, JW Wilkins
Physical Review Letters 47 (10), 737, 1981
Density-matrix renormalization-group studies of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg system with dimerization and frustration
R Chitra, S Pati, HR Krishnamurthy, D Sen, S Ramasesha
Physical Review B 52 (9), 6581, 1995
Equilibrium critical phenomena in binary liquid mixtures
A Kumar, HR Krishnamurthy, ESR Gopal
Physics Reports 98 (2), 57-143, 1983
Theoretical Description of Time-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy:<? format?> Application to Pump-Probe Experiments
JK Freericks, HR Krishnamurthy, T Pruschke
Physical review letters 102 (13), 136401, 2009
Instability of the Nagaoka ferromagnetic state of the U=∞ Hubbard model
BS Shastry, HR Krishnamurthy, PW Anderson
Physical Review B 41 (4), 2375, 1990
Mean-field theory for the t-J model
C Jayaprakash, HR Krishnamurthy, S Sarker
Physical Review B 40 (4), 2610, 1989
Temperature-dependent susceptibility of the symmetric Anderson model: Connection to the Kondo model
HR Krishna-Murthy, KG Wilson, JW Wilkins
Physical Review Letters 35 (16), 1101, 1975
Systematic and causal corrections to the coherent potential approximation
M Jarrell, HR Krishnamurthy
Physical Review B 63 (12), 125102, 2001
Theory of insulator metal transition and colossal magnetoresistance in doped manganites
TV Ramakrishnan, HR Krishnamurthy, SR Hassan, GV Pai
Physical review letters 92 (15), 157203, 2004
Bosonic mean-field theory of quantum Heisenberg spin systems: Bose condensation and magnetic order
S Sarker, C Jayaprakash, HR Krishnamurthy, M Ma
Physical Review B 40 (7), 5028, 1989
Can correlations drive a band insulator metallic?
A Garg, HR Krishnamurthy, M Randeria
Physical review letters 97 (4), 046403, 2006
Intergranular Magnetoresistance in from a Magnetic Tunnel Barrier Mechanism across Grain Boundaries
DD Sarma, S Ray, K Tanaka, M Kobayashi, A Fujimori, P Sanyal, ...
Physical review letters 98 (15), 157205, 2007
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