Sebastian J. Schlecht
Cited by
Cited by
Six-degrees-of-freedom binaural audio reproduction of first-order ambisonics with distance information
A Plinge, SJ Schlecht, O Thiergart, T Robotham, O Rummukainen, ...
Audio Engineering Society Conference: 2018 AES International Conference on …, 2018
Directional feedback delay network
B Alary, A Politis, SJ Schlecht, V Välimäki
AES: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 67 (10), 752-762, 2019
Time-varying feedback matrices in feedback delay networks and their application in artificial reverberation
SJ Schlecht, EAP Habets
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138 (3), 1389-1398, 2015
On lossless feedback delay networks
SJ Schlecht, EAP Habets
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 65 (6), 1554-1564, 2016
Feedback delay networks: Echo density and mixing time
SJ Schlecht, EAP Habets
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 25 (2), 374-383, 2016
Improved reverberation time control for feedback delay networks
K Prawda, V Välimäki, S Schlecht
International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, 2019
Towards transfer-plausibility for evaluating mixed reality audio in complex scenes
SA Wirler, N Meyer-Kahlen, SJ Schlecht
Audio Engineering Society Conference: 2020 AES International Conference on …, 2020
Optimized velvet-noise decorrelator
S Schlecht, B Alary, V Välimäki, EAP Habets
International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, 87-94, 2018
Calibrating the Sabine and Eyring formulas
K Prawda, SJ Schlecht, V Välimäki
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 152 (2), 1158-1169, 2022
Perceptual analysis of directional late reverberation
B Alary, P Massé, SJ Schlecht, M Noisternig, V Välimäki
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 149 (5), 3189-3199, 2021
Modal decomposition of feedback delay networks
SJ Schlecht, EAP Habets
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 67 (20), 5340-5351, 2019
Neural network for multi-exponential sound energy decay analysis
G Götz, R Falcón Pérez, SJ Schlecht, V Pulkki
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 152 (2), 942-953, 2022
Acoustic analysis and dataset of transitions between coupled rooms
T McKenzie, SJ Schlecht, V Pulkki
ICASSP 2021-2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2021
FDNTB: The feedback delay network toolbox
S Schlecht
International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, 211-218, 2020
Accurate Reverberation Time Control In Feedback Delay Networks
SJ Schlecht, EAP Habets
Digital Audio Effects (DAFx), Edinburgh, UK, 2017
Sign-agnostic matrix design for spatial artificial reverberation with feedback delay networks
SJ Schlecht, EAP Habets
Audio Engineering Society Conference: 2018 AES International Conference on …, 2018
Robust selection of clean swept-sine measurements in non-stationary noise
K Prawda, SJ Schlecht, V Välimäki
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 151 (3), 2117-2126, 2022
Scattering in feedback delay networks
SJ Schlecht, EAP Habets
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 28, 1915-1924, 2020
Evaluation of reverberation time models with variable acoustics
K Prawda, S Schlecht, V Välimäki
Sound and Music Computing Conference, 145-152, 2020
Evaluating binaural reproduction systems from behavioral patterns in a virtual reality—A case study with impaired binaural cues and tracking latency
O Rummukainen, S Schlecht, A Plinge, EAP Habets
Audio Engineering Society Convention 143, 2017
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Articles 1–20