Marc Bury (né Gillé)
Cited by
Cited by
BICO: BIRCH Meets Coresets for k-Means Clustering
H Fichtenberger, M Gillé, M Schmidt, C Schwiegelshohn, C Sohler
Algorithms–ESA 2013: 21st Annual European Symposium, Sophia Antipolis …, 2013
Oblivious dimension reduction for k-means: beyond subspaces and the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma
L Becchetti, M Bury, V Cohen-Addad, F Grandoni, C Schwiegelshohn
Proceedings of the 51st annual ACM SIGACT symposium on theory of computing …, 2019
Sublinear estimation of weighted matchings in dynamic data streams
M Bury, C Schwiegelshohn
Algorithms-ESA 2015: 23rd Annual European Symposium, Patras, Greece …, 2015
Structural results on matching estimation with applications to streaming
M Bury, E Grigorescu, A McGregor, M Monemizadeh, C Schwiegelshohn, ...
Algorithmica 81, 367-392, 2019
Similarity search for dynamic data streams
M Bury, C Schwiegelshohn, M Sorella
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 32 (11), 2241-2253, 2019
On finding the jaccard center
M Bury, C Schwiegelshohn
44th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP …, 2017
OBDD-based representation of interval graphs
M Gillé
International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 286-297, 2013
Sketch'Em All: Fast Approximate Similarity Search for Dynamic Data Streams
M Bury, C Schwiegelshohn, M Sorella
Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM International Conference on Web Search and …, 2018
Implicit computation of maximum bipartite matchings by sublinear functional operations
B Bollig, M Gillé, T Pröger
International Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation …, 2012
On the OBDD representation of some graph classes
B Bollig, M Bury
Discrete Applied Mathematics 214, 34-53, 2016
Implicit computation of maximum bipartite matchings by sublinear functional operations
B Bollig, M Gillé, T Pröger
Theoretical Computer Science 560, 131-146, 2014
Random projection for k-means: Maintaining coresets beyond merge & reduce
M Bury, C Schwiegelshohn
arXiv preprint arXiv:1504.01584, 2015
BICO: BIRCH meets Coresets for k-means
H Fichtenberger, M Gillé, M Schmidt, C Schwiegelshohn, C Sohler
Procs. of the European Symposium on Algorithms 2013, 213, 2013
Randomized OBDDs for the most significant bit of multiplication need exponential space
B Bollig, M Gillé
Information processing letters 111 (4), 151-155, 2011
Randomized OBDD-based graph algorithms
M Bury
Theoretical Computer Science 751, 24-45, 2018
Polynomial Time Approximation Schemes for All 1-Center Problems on Metric Rational Set Similarities
M Bury, M Gentili, C Schwiegelshohn, M Sorella
Algorithmica 83 (5), 1371-1392, 2021
45th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, ICALP 2018
I Chatzigiannakis, C Kaklamanis, D Marx, D Sannella
Schloss Dagstuhl Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2018
Efficient Similarity Search in Dynamic Data Streams
M Bury, C Schwiegelshohn, M Sorella
arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.03949, 2016
SIROCCO 2015 Review
M Bury
ACM SIGACT News 46 (4), 88-93, 2015
OBDDs and (Almost) -wise Independent Random Variables
M Bury
arXiv preprint arXiv:1504.03842, 2015
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Articles 1–20