Shifali Kalra
Cited by
Cited by
TPWL simulation of large nonlinear circuits using subspace angle-based adaptive sampling
S Kalra, M Nabi
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 67 (3), 575-579, 2019
Improved TPWL Based Nonlinear MOR For Fast Simulation Of Large Circuits.
A Chathukulam, D Sarkar, S Kalra, MU Nabi
ECMS, 293-298, 2018
Implantable Bio-MEMS applications: A review
S Kalra
2017 Recent Developments in Control, Automation & Power Engineering (RDCAPE …, 2017
Automated scheme for linearisation points selection in TPWL method applied to non‐linear circuits
S Kalra, M Nabi
The Journal of Engineering 2020 (1), 41-49, 2020
Study of coronary stent deformation using finite element method
S Kalra
2016 11th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems …, 2016
Model order reduction of finite element model of pacemaker electrode
S Kalra, M Nabi
TENCON 2019-2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 1076-1081, 2019
Reduced order modelling of inverter chain circuit using nonlinearity aware tpwl
S Kalra, M Nabi
2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information …, 2019
Design and optimisation of pacemaker electrode using finite element method
S Kalra, S Marwaha
International Journal of Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2 …, 2013
A Global Maximum Error Controller Based Nonlinearity Aware TPWL Method for Reducing Nonlinear Systems
S Kalra, M Un Nabi
Cybernetics and Systems 51 (4), 370-382, 2020
Reduced modelling of transmission line circuits using a novel nonlinearity aware tpwl with adaptive sampling
S Kalra, M Nabi
2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information …, 2019
Finite Element Modelling Of Pacemaker Electrode For Time Varying Excitation.
S Kalra, MU Nabi
ECMS, 288-292, 2018
Effect of Reduced Model Order on Accuracy of Trajectory Piecewise Linear Approximations for a Class of Nonlinear Circuits
S Kalra, M Nabi
2020 28th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 1063-1067, 2020
Improved model order reduction strategies for a class of nonlinear circuits
S Kalra
Delhi, 0
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Articles 1–13