R Swarnalatha
R Swarnalatha
Associate Professor, BITS Pilani , Dubai Campus.
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Cited by
Impact of polymer blending on ionic conduction mechanism and dielectric properties of sodium based PEO-PVdF solid polymer electrolyte systems
Y Mallaiah, VR Jeedi, R Swarnalatha, A Raju, SN Reddy, AS Chary
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 155, 110096, 2021
A novel technique for extraction of FECG using multi stage adaptive filtering
R Swarnalath, DV Prasad
Journal of Applied Sciences 10 (4), 319-324, 2010
Structural and electrical studies of PMMA and PVdF based blend polymer electrolyte
VR Jeedi, EL Narsaiah, M Yalla, R Swarnalatha, SN Reddy, ...
SN Applied Sciences 2 (12), 2093, 2020
Integrated healthcare monitoring device for obese adults using internet of things (IoT).
D Gupta, A Parikh, R Swarnalatha
International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708) 10 (2), 2020
Design of tracking system for prefabricated building components using RFID technology and CAD model
V Naranje, R Swarnalatha
Procedia Manufacturing 32, 928-935, 2019
Maternal ECG cancellation in abdominal signal using ANFIS and wavelets
R Swarnalath, DV Prasad
Journal of applied sciences 10 (11), 868-877, 2010
Dynamic optimization of a wastewater treatment process for sustainable operation using multi-objective genetic algorithm and non-dominated sorting cuckoo search algorithm
KG Aparna, R Swarnalatha
Journal of Water Process Engineering 53, 103775, 2023
Implementation of an industrial automation system model using an Arduino
A Mir, R Swarnalatha
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 13 (12), 4131-4144, 2018
Comparison of Different Tuning Methods for pH Neutralization in Textile Industry
RBR Swarnalatha
Journal of Applied Sciences 17 (3), 142-147., 2017
Transfer learning convolutional neural network with modified Lion optimization for multimodal biometric system
A Gona, M Subramoniam, R Swarnalatha
Computers and Electrical Engineering 108, 108664, 2023
A Greedy Optimized Intelligent Framework for Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease Using EEG Signal
R Swarnalatha
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2023, 2023
Augmentation of a SCADA based firewall against foreign hacking devices
A Mungekar, Y Solanki, R Swarnalatha
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) 10 (2 …, 2020
A New method of Extraction of FECG from Abdominal signal
DV Dr Prasad, R Swarnalatha
13th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering: ICBME 2008 3–6 …, 2009
Optimizing Wastewater Treatment Plant Operational Efficiency Through Integrating Machine Learning Predictive Models and Advanced Control Strategies
KG Aparna, R Swarnalatha, M Changmai
Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2024
Extraction of fetal electrocardiographic signals using neural network
N Agarwal, DV Prasad, R Swarnalatha
6th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB 2010). August 1-6, 2010 Singapore …, 2010
Smart Home Automation System Using AVR Microcontroller
International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science …, 2015
Technological Assessment on Steam Reforming Process of Crude Glycerol to Produce Hydrogen in an Integrated Waste Cooking-Oil-Based Biodiesel Production Scenario
V Naranje, R Swarnalatha, O Batra, S Salunkhe
Processes 10 (12), 2670, 2022
LabVIEW based monitoring and rehabilitation module for freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease
A Mahajan, R Swarnalatha, K Sherwani, N Kumar
Journal of medical engineering & technology 43 (1), 48-54, 2019
Performance evaluation of conventional PID control tuning techniques for a first order plus dead time blending process
AK Mehta, R Swarnalatha
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 13 (11), 3593-3609, 2018
Adopting Padé Approximation for First Order Plus Dead Time Models for Blending Process
RS Avani Kirit Mehta
International Journal of Engineering and Technology 7 (4), 2800-2805, 2018
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Articles 1–20