Sujit Kumar Sahoo
Sujit Kumar Sahoo
Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Goa, India
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Cited by
Signal recovery from random measurements via extended orthogonal matching pursuit
SK Sahoo, A Makur
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 63 (10), 2572-2581, 2015
Single-shot multispectral imaging with a monochromatic camera
SK Sahoo, D Tang, C Dang
Optica 4 (10), 1209-1213, 2017
Dictionary Training for Sparse Representation as Generalization of K-means Clustering
S Sahoo, A Makur
Signal Processing Letters, IEEE 20 (6), 587 - 590, 2013
Single-shot large field of view imaging with scattering media by spatial demultiplexing
D Tang, SK Sahoo, V Tran, C Dang
Applied optics 57 (26), 7533-7538, 2018
Non-invasive super-resolution imaging through dynamic scattering media
D Wang, SK Sahoo, X Zhu, G Adamo, C Dang
Nature communications 12 (1), 3150, 2021
Detection of atrial fibrillation from non-episodic ECG data: a review of methods
SK Sahoo, W Lu, SD Teddy, D Kim, M Feng
2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2011
Greedy Pursuits Assisted Basis Pursuit for Compressive Sensing
S Narayanan, SK Sahoo, A Makur
The European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2015
Greedy pursuits assisted basis pursuit for reconstruction of joint-sparse signals
S Narayanan, SK Sahoo, A Makur
Signal Processing 142, 485-491, 2018
Enhancing image denoising by controlling noise incursion in learned dictionaries
SK Sahoo, A Makur
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 22 (8), 1123-1126, 2015
Non-invasive optical focusing inside strongly scattering media with linear fluorescence
D Li, SK Sahoo, HQ Lam, D Wang, C Dang
Applied Physics Letters 116 (24), 241104, 2020
Enhancing security of incoherent optical cryptosystem by a simple position-multiplexing technique and ultra-broadband illumination
SK Sahoo, D Tang, C Dang
Scientific reports 7 (1), 17895, 2017
Image denoising via sparse representations over sequential generalization of K-means (SGK)
SK Sahoo, A Makur
2013 9th International Conference on Information, Communications & Signal …, 2013
Single-shot multi-view imaging enabled by scattering lens
X Zhu, S Kumar Sahoo, D Wang, H Quoc Lam, P Anthony Surman, D Li, ...
Optics Express 27 (26), 37164-37171, 2019
Utilizing multiple scattering effect for highly sensitive optical refractive index sensing
V Tran, SK Sahoo, D Wang, C Dang
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 301, 111776, 2020
Sparse sequential generalization of K-means for dictionary training on noisy signals
SK Sahoo, A Makur
Signal Processing 129, 62-66, 2016
Replacing K-SVD with SGK: Dictionary Training for Sparse Representation of Images
SK Sahoo, A Makur
IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), 2015
Modified Adaptive Basis Pursuits for recovery of correlated sparse signals
S Narayanan, SK Sahoo, A Makur
2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2014
Improving single pixel imaging performance in high noise condition by under-sampling
F Sha, SK Sahoo, HQ Lam, BK Ng, C Dang
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 19451, 2020
Fast 3D movement of a laser focusing spot behind scattering media by utilizing optical memory effect and optical conjugate planes
V Tran, SK Sahoo, C Dang
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 19507, 2019
Inverse problems with nonnegative and sparse solutions: algorithms and application to the phase retrieval problem
PQ Muoi, DN Hào, SK Sahoo, D Tang, NH Cong, C Dang
Inverse Problems 34 (5), 055007, 2018
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Articles 1–20