Salman Asif Siddiqui
Salman Asif Siddiqui
Manager of GIS, RS and Data Management Unit, International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
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Cited by
Understanding land cover change using a harmonized classification system in the Himalaya
B Bajracharya, K Uddin, N Chettri, B Shrestha, SA Siddiqui
Mountain Research and Development 30 (2), 143-156, 2010
Water performance indicators using satellite imagery for the Fordwah Eastern Sadiqia (South) Irrigation and Drainage Project
T Alexandridis, S Asif, S Ali
IWMI Research Reports, 1999
Irrigated area map Asia and Africa
S Siddiqui, X Cai, K Chandrasekharan
International Water Management Institute http://waterdata. iwmi. org …, 2016
Patterns of crop evaporation in the Indus Basin, recognized from the NOAA-AVHRR Satellite
WGM Bastiaanssen, YH Chemin, MD Ahmad, S Asif
Climate change and vulnerability mapping in watersheds in middle and high Mountains of Nepal
S Siddiqui, L Bharati, M Panta, P Gurung, B Rakhal, LD Maharjan
IWMI: Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2012
Nepal: building climate resilience of watersheds in mountain eco-regions climate change and vulnerability mapping in watersheds in middle and high mountains of Nepal.
S Siddiqui, L Bharati, M Pant, P Gurung, B Rakhal
Asian Development Bank, 2012
Soil salinity characterisation in SPOT images: a case study in one irrigation system of the Punjab, Pakistan
D Tabet, A Vidal, D Zimmer, S Asif, MW Aslam, M Kuper, P Strosser
Physical Measurements and Signatures in Remote Sensing. 7, Courchevel, 7-11 …, 1997
Using state-of-the art RS and GIS for monitoring waterlogging and salinity
S Asif, MD Ahmad
Salinity assessment in irrigation systems using remote sensing and geographical information systems-application to Chistian subdivison, Pakistan
A Vidal, D Tabet, MD Ahmad, S Asif, D Zimmer, P Strosser
Report R-47. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI, 1998
Institutional networking for a regional sdi in the hindu-kush himalayas
B Bajracharya, B Shrestha, S Siddiqui
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2008
Assessment of Water Resources and Demand for Irrigation in Nine Districts within the Eastern Gangetic Plains
R Okwany, SA Prathapar, S Siddiqui, RC Bastakoti, N Rajmohan
Assessment, 099, 2013
Use of satellite imagery for land use mapping and crop identification in irrigation systems in Pakistan
Y Chemin, A Rauf, S Asif
The collaboration between IIMI and CEMAGREF in Pakistan: Proceedings of a …, 1998
Using state-of-the-art Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for monitoring waterlogging and salinity
S Asif, M Ahmad
IPTRID Programme Formulation Report (FAO/UNDP/World Bank/ICID/IWMI), 2002
Y Chemin, S Asif, S Ali
Salinity assessment in irrigation systems using remote sensing and geographic information system application to the Chistian Sub-division, Pakistan
A Vidal, D Tabet, MD Ahmad, S Asif, D Zimmer, P Strosser
GIS metadata for an irrigation system Vol. II. Selected watercourses within chishtian sub-division
S Ali, Y Chemin, S Asif, MD Ahmad
International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI), 1998
Caractérisation des sols salins dans les images SPOT: un cas d'étude dans un périmètre irrigué du Punjab, Pakistan
D Tabet, A Vidal, D Zimmer, S Asif, MW Aslam, M Kuper, P Strosser, ...
Caractérisation des sols salins dans les périmètres irrigués: un cas d'étude dans le Punjab (Pakistan)
D Tabet, S Asif, MW Aslam, M Kuper, P Stosser, A Vidal, D Zimmer
Soil salinity characterisation in irrigation schemes: a study case in the Punjab (Pakistan)
D Tabet, S Asif, MW Aslam, M Kuper, P Stosser, A Vidal, D Zimmer
Using GIS and RS to monitor and evaluate irrigation and drainage projects: example from IIMI Pakistan National Program
S Asif, Y Chemin, S Ali
ITIS (Information Techniques for Irrigation Systems), 1997
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Articles 1–20