Nitin Mundhe
Nitin Mundhe
Associate Professor, Department of Geography, S. P. College, Pune
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Impact of urbanization on land use/land covers change using Geo-spatial techniques
NN Mundhe, RG Jaybhaye
International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences 5 (1), pp. 50-60, 2014
Assessment of Municipal Solid Waste Management of Pune City using Geospatial Tools
N Mundhe, R Jaybhaye, B Dorik
International Journal of Computer Applications 100 (10), pp. 24-32, 2014
Site suitability for urban solid waste disposal using geoinformatics: a case study of Pune Municipal Corporation, Maharashtra, India
R Jaybhaye, N Mundhe, B Dorik
Int J Adv Remote Sens GIS 3 (1), 769-783, 2014
Multi-Criteria Decision Making for Vulnerability Mapping of Flood Hazard: A Case Study of Pune City
N Mundhe
Journal of Geographical Studies 2 (1), 41-52, 2019
Identifying and mapping of slums in Pune city using geospatial techniques
N Mundhe
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2019
Chronological Development of Pune from 758-2014 AD
N Mundhe, R Jaybhaye
International Journal of Environment, Ecology, Family and Urban Studies …, 2017
GIS Based Urban Flood Vulnerability Analysis in Western Zone of Ahmedabad City
N Mundhe, S Deshmukh, A Vyas
International Journal of Research in Geography 3 (3), 41-51, 2017
A Study of Urbanization in Pune District Using Geoinformatics Approach
NN Mundhe, RG Jaybhaye
International Journal of Advance and Applied Research 2 (1), pp. 45-55, 2014
Use of Disparity Index for Identifying Rural - Urban Literacy Pattern of Pune District, Maharashtra
N Mundhe, D Pawar, P Rokade …, 2017
Monitoring Level, Trends and Patterns of Urbanisation in Maharashtra (1991-2011)
NN Mundhe, RG Jaybhaye
Indian Streams Research Journal 4 (6), pp. 1-12, 2014
Hybrid Image Classiication Technique for Spatio-temporal Analysis of Pune City
RG Jaybhaye, NN Mundhe
Transaction 35 (2), pp. 213-224, 2013
Measuring Urban Growth of Pune City Using Shannon Entropy Approach
NN Mundhe, J Ravindra G
The Journal of Geography and Geology 119, pp. 290-302, 2015
Land Suitability Analysis for In Situ Slum Redevelopment of Pune City Using AHP, Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
N Mundhe, R Jaybhaye
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 51 (8), 1777-1795, 2023
Evaluation of blended irrigation schemes: a micro-level decadal study of Shrigonda tahsil in drought prone western Maharashtra, India
D Manojkumar, D Ganesh, M Nitin
The Indonesian Journal of Geography 52 (1), 92-97, 2020
A spatio-temporal analysis of urbanization in India
NN Mundhe, RG Jaybhaye
IJRAR-International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 5 (4), 30-37, 2018
Urbanization & Growth of Slums in India: Evidence from Census of India (2001-2011)
N Mundhe, K Algur, S Deshmukh, K Boke
Towards Excellence 13 (2), 942–956, 2021
Status of Human Development in Maharashtra: A District Level Analysis
N Mundhe, D Pawar, P Rokade
Economics 8 (3), 88-96, 2020
Morphometric Analysis of Kolavadi Sub-Watershed in Bhor Tahsil Using GIS Techniques
M Devne, N Mundhe, A Kamble, G Dhawle
Journal of Geographic Studies 3 (1), 1-10, 2019
Change detection analysis in land use/land cover of Pune city using remotely sensed data
R Jaybhaye, N Mundhe
Assessment and delineation of groundwater potential zones using AHP and geospatial techniques in Man tehsil of Satara district, Maharashtra
S Shingate, N Mundhe, U Potekar
Transactions of the Institute of Indian Geographers 46 (2), 329-346, 2024
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Articles 1–20