Anjali Lathwal, Ph.D.
Anjali Lathwal, Ph.D.
IGDTUW - Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women, New Delhi, Delhi, India
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Cited by
Pfeature: A tool for computing wide range of protein features and building prediction models
A Pande, S Patiyal, A Lathwal, C Arora, D Kaur, A Dhall, G Mishra, H Kaur, ...
Journal of Computational Biology 30 (2), 204-222, 2023
B3Pdb: an archive of blood–brain barrier-penetrating peptides
V Kumar, S Patiyal, R Kumar, S Sahai, D Kaur, A Lathwal, GPS Raghava
Brain Structure and Function 226, 2489-2495, 2021
CancerEnD: a database of cancer associated enhancers
R Kumar, A Lathwal, V Kumar, S Patiyal, PK Raghav, GPS Raghava
Genomics 112 (5), 3696-3702, 2020
OvirusTdb: A database of oncolytic viruses for the advancement of therapeutics in cancer
A Lathwal, R Kumar, GPS Raghava
Virology 548, 109-116, 2020
Computer-aided designing of oncolytic viruses for overcoming translational challenges of cancer immunotherapy
A Lathwal, R Kumar, GPS Raghava
Drug discovery today 25 (7), 1198-1205, 2020
Prediction of risk scores for colorectal cancer patients from the concentration of proteins involved in mitochondrial apoptotic pathway
A Lathwal, C Arora, GPS Raghava
PLoS One 14 (9), e0217527, 2019
Identification of prognostic biomarkers for major subtypes of non-small-cell lung cancer using genomic and clinical data
A Lathwal, R Kumar, C Arora, GPS Raghava
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 146, 2743-2752, 2020
Experimental and clinical data analysis for identification of COVID-19 resistant ACE2 mutations
PK Raghav, A Raghav, A Lathwal, A Saxena, Z Mann, M Sengar, ...
Scientific reports 13 (1), 2351, 2023
In silico model for predicting IL-2 inducing peptides in human
A Lathwal, R Kumar, D kaur, GPS Raghava
bioRxiv, 2021.06. 20.449146, 2021
Risk prediction in cutaneous melanoma patients from their clinico-pathological features: superiority of clinical data over gene expression data
C Arora, D Kaur, A Lathwal, GPS Raghava
Heliyon 6 (8), 2020
In-silico identification of subunit vaccine candidates against lung cancer-associated oncogenic viruses
A Lathwal, R Kumar, GPS Raghava
Computers in Biology and Medicine 130, 104215, 2021
Computational resources for identification of cancer biomarkers from omics data
H Kaur, R Kumar, A Lathwal, GPS Raghava
Briefings in Functional Genomics 20 (4), 213-222, 2021
Impact of chemoinformatics approaches and tools on current chemical research
R Kumar, A Lathwal, G Nagpal, V Kumar, PK Raghav
Chemoinformatics and bioinformatics in the pharmaceutical Sciences, 1-26, 2021
Integrative multi-omics approach for stratification of tumor recurrence risk groups of Hepatocellular Carcinoma patients
H Kaur, A Lathwal, GPS Raghava
bioRxiv, 2021.03. 03.433841, 2021
Computational Biology for Stem Cell Research
P Raghav, R Kumar, A Lathwal, N Sharma
Academic Press, 2024
Computational approaches for hematopoietic stem cells: Advancing regenerative therapeutics
PK Raghav, B Banerjee, R Kumar, A Raghav, A Lathwal, R Chadha
Computational Biology for Stem Cell Research, 331-346, 2024
COVID-19 diagnostic approaches and modern mesenchymal stem cell-based treatment
R Kumar, S Kulshrestha, A Lathwal, PK Raghav
Stem Cells, 57-68, 2024
Prediction of pancreatic adenocarcinoma patient risk status using alternative splicing events
R Kumar, A Lathwal, GPS Raghava
bioRxiv, 2021.06. 02.446780, 2021
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