Devendra Patil
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Cited by
Inspection and monitoring systems subsea pipelines: A review paper
M Ho, S El-Borgi, D Patil, G Song
Structural Health Monitoring 19 (2), 606-645, 2020
Vibration control of a pipeline structure using pounding tuned mass damper
GB Song, P Zhang, LY Li, M Singla, D Patil, HN Li, YL Mo
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 142 (6), 04016031, 2016
Robustness study of the pounding tuned mass damper for vibration control of subsea jumpers
H Li, P Zhang, G Song, D Patil, Y Mo
Smart Materials and Structures 24 (9), 095001, 2015
Detection of debonding between fiber reinforced polymer bar and concrete structure using piezoceramic transducers and wavelet packet analysis
T Jiang, Q Kong, D Patil, Z Luo, L Huo, G Song
IEEE Sensors Journal 17 (7), 1992-1998, 2017
Experimental studies on the effectiveness and robustness of a pounding tuned mass damper for vibration suppression of a submerged cylindrical pipe
J Jiang, P Zhang, D Patil, H Li, G Song
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 24 (12), e2027, 2017
Parametric study of pounding tuned mass damper for subsea jumpers
P Zhang, L Li, D Patil, M Singla, HN Li, YL Mo, G Song
Smart Materials and Structures 25 (1), 015028, 2015
Acoustic emission monitoring and finite element analysis of debonding in fiber-reinforced polymer rebar reinforced concrete
W Li, SCM Ho, D Patil, G Song
Structural Health Monitoring 16 (6), 674-681, 2017
A Review of Shape Memory Material's Applications in the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry
D Patil, G Song
Smart Materials and Structures, 2017
Underwater pipeline impact localization using piezoceramic transducers
J Zhu, SCM Ho, D Patil, N Wang, R Hirsch, G Song
Smart Materials and Structures 26 (10), 107002, 2017
Study of impact damage in PVA-ECC beam under low-velocity impact loading using piezoceramic transducers and PVDF thin-film transducers
B Qi, Q Kong, H Qian, D Patil, I Lim, M Li, D Liu, G Song
Sensors 18 (2), 671, 2018
Estimation of impact location on concrete column
J Zhu, SCM Ho, Q Kong, D Patil, YL Mo, G Song
Smart Materials and Structures 26 (5), 055037, 2017
Wind turbine blade damage detection using an active sensing approach
J Ruan, SCM Ho, D Patil, M Li, G Song
Smart materials and structures 23 (10), 105005, 2014
Structural health monitoring of wind turbine blade using piezoceremic based active sensing and impedance sensing
J Ruan, SCM Ho, D Patil, G Song
Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing …, 2014
Applications of shape memory alloys in offshore oil and gas industry: a review
G Song, D Patil, C Kocurek, J Bartos
Earth and Space 2010: Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in …, 2010
Shape memory alloy actuated accumulator for ultra-deepwater oil and gas exploration
D Patil, G Song
Smart Materials and Structures 25 (4), 045012, 2016
An Innovative Method for Automatic Determination of Time of Arrival for Lamb Waves Excited by Impact Events
HNLGS Junxiao Zhu1, Seyed Mohammad Parvasi2, Michael Ho3, Devendra Patil4 ...
Smart Materials and Structures, 2017
Detection of debonding between FRP rebar and concrete structure using piezoceramic transducers and wavelet packet analysis
T Jiang, Q Kong, D Patil, Z Luo, L Huo, G Song
IEEE Sens. J 17 (7), 1992-1998, 2017
Magnetorheological fluid device
JM Alred, A Kudia, J Villarreal, H Torres, G Song, D Patil
US Patent 9,939,080, 2018
Effect of seawater exposure on impact damping behavior of viscoelastic material of pounding tuned mass damper (PTMD)
P Zhang, D Patil, SCM Ho
Applied Sciences 9 (4), 632, 2019
Shape memory alloy powered hydraulic accumulator having wire clamps
G Lewis, G Song, D Patil
US Patent 8,695,334, 2014
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Articles 1–20