Anand Kumar Jaiswal
Anand Kumar Jaiswal
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
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Customer satisfaction and service quality measurement in Indian call centres
AK Jaiswal
Managing Service Quality 18 (4), 405-416, 2008
The fortune at the bottom or the middle of the pyramid?
AK Jaiswal
Innovations: Technology, Governance, Globalization 3 (1), 85-100, 2008
Examining mediating role of attitudinal loyalty and nonlinear effects in satisfaction-behavioral intentions relationship
AK Jaiswal, R Niraj
Journal of Services Marketing 25 (3), 165-175, 2011
Business model innovation for inclusive health care delivery at the bottom of the pyramid
F Angeli, AK Jaiswal
Organization & Environment 29 (4), 486-507, 2016
Business Model Innovation for Inclusive Health Care Delivery at the Bottom of the Pyramid
F Angeli, AK Jaiswal
Organization & Environment 29 (4), 486-507, 2016
Context-general and context-specific determinants of online satisfaction and loyalty for commerce and content sites
AK Jaiswal, R Niraj, P Venugopal
Journal of Interactive Marketing 24 (3), 222-238, 2010
Unsustainability of sustainability: Cognitive frames and tensions in bottom of the pyramid projects
G Sharma, AK Jaiswal
Journal of Business Ethics 148 (2), 291-307, 2018
The influence of marketing on consumption behavior at the bottom of the pyramid
AK Jaiswal, S Gupta
Journal of Consumer Marketing 32 (2), 113-124, 2015
Reverse innovation: a conceptual framework
S Malodia, S Gupta, AK Jaiswal
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 48, 1009-1029, 2020
The effect of relationship and transactional characteristics on customer retention in emerging online markets
AK Jaiswal, R Niraj, CH Park, MK Agarwal
Journal of Business Research 92, 25-35, 2018
Competitive dynamics between MNCs and domestic companies at the base of the pyramid: An institutional perspective
F Angeli, AK Jaiswal
Long Range Planning 48 (3), 182-199, 2015
Underlying determinants of health provider choice in urban slums: results from a discrete choice experiment in Ahmedabad, India
V Černauskas, F Angeli, AK Jaiswal, M Pavlova
BMC health services research 18, 1-11, 2018
Underlying determinants of health provider choice in urban slums: results from a discrete choice experiment in Ahmedabad, India
V Černauskas, F Angeli, AK Jaiswal, M Pavlova
BMC health services research 18, 1-11, 2018
Managing job applications online: integrating website informativeness and compatibility in theory of planned behaviour and technology acceptance model
A Parikh, JD Patel, AK Jaiswal
Decision 48 (1), 97-113, 2021
Examining the Nonlinear Effects in Satisfaction-Loyalty-Behavioral Intentions Model
AK Jaiswal, R Niraj
Socio-Cultural Sustainability of Private Healthcare Providers in an Indian Slum Setting: A Bottom-of-the-Pyramid Perspective
F Angeli, ST Ishwardat, AK Jaiswal, A Capaldo
Sustainability 10 (12), 4702, 2018
Consumer evaluations of brand extensions: Evidence from India
SK Patro, AK Jaiswal
Journal of Academy of Business and Economics 1 (2), 170-179, 2003
Investigating a comparative evaluation approach in explaining loyalty
AK Jaiswal, JGAM Lemmink
Marketing Intelligence & Planning 35 (7), 937-954, 2017
Antecedents to firm performance during re-internationalization
S Ali, AN Mathur, AK Jaiswal
Australian Journal of Management 47 (3), 423-453, 2022
Connecting smallholders’ marketplace decisions to agricultural market reform policy in India–An empirical exploration
A Argade, AK Laha, AK Jaiswal
Journal of Macromarketing 41 (3), 471-483, 2021
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Articles 1–20