A Vinay
A Vinay
Associate Professor,Dept of CSE, PES University
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Face recognition using gabor wavelet features with pca and kpca-a comparative study
A Vinay, VS Shekhar, KNB Murthy, S Natarajan
Procedia Computer Science 57, 650-659, 2015
Two novel detector-descriptor based approaches for face recognition using sift and surf
A Vinay, D Hebbar, VS Shekhar, KNB Murthy, S Natarajan
Procedia Computer Science 70, 185-197, 2015
Cloud based big data analytics framework for face recognition in social networks using machine learning
A Vinay, VS Shekhar, J Rituparna, T Aggrawal, KNB Murthy, S Natarajan
Procedia Computer Science 50, 623-630, 2015
ORB-PCA based feature extraction technique for face recognition
A Vinay, CA Kumar, GR Shenoy, KNB Murthy, S Natarajan
Procedia Computer Science 58, 614-621, 2015
Deep learning on binary patterns for face recognition
A Vinay, A Gupta, A Bharadwaj, A Srinivasan, KNB Murthy, S Natarajan
Procedia computer science 132, 76-83, 2018
Performance study of LDA and KFA for gabor based face recognition system
A Vinay, VS Shekhar, KNB Murthy, S Natarajan
Procedia Computer Science 57, 960-969, 2015
An efficient ORB based face recognition framework for human-robot interaction
A Vinay, AS Cholin, AD Bhat, KNB Murthy, S Natarajan
Procedia computer science 133, 913-923, 2018
Facial landmark localization-a literature survey
D Rathod, A Vinay, S Shylaja, S Natarajan
Int J Current Eng Technol 4 (3), 1901-1907, 2014
Feature extractionusing ORB-RANSAC for face recognition
A Vinay, AS Rao, VS Shekhar, A Kumar, KNB Murthy, S Natarajan
Procedia Computer Science 70, 174-184, 2015
DeepFake Detection using a frame based approach involving CNN
A Ajoy, CU Mahindrakar, D Gowrish, A Vinay
2021 Third International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing …, 2021
Face recognition using filtered eoh-sift
A Vinay, G Kathiresan, DA Mundroy, HN Nandan, C Sureka, KNB Murthy, ...
Procedia Computer Science 79, 543-552, 2016
Two dimensionality reduction techniques for surf based face recognition
A Vinay, V Vasuki, S Bhat, KS Jayanth, KNB Murthy, S Natarajan
Procedia Computer Science 85, 241-248, 2016
G-CNN and F-CNN: Two CNN based architectures for face recognition
A Vinay, DN Reddy, AC Sharma, S Daksha, NS Bhargav, MK Kiran, ...
2017 International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Computational …, 2017
A double filtered GIST descriptor for face recognition
A Vinay, B Gagana, VS Shekhar, B Anil, KNB Murthy, S Natarajan
Procedia Computer Science 79, 533-542, 2016
Surveillance robots based on pose invariant face recognition using SSIM and spectral clustering
A Vinay, A Singh, N Anand, M Raj, A Bharati, KNB Murthy, S Natarajan
Procedia computer science 133, 940-951, 2018
Person identification in smart surveillance robots using sparse interest points
A Vinay, SK BV, PN Manoj, NA Rao, KNB Muthy, S Natarajan
Procedia computer science 133, 812-822, 2018
Effective descriptors based face recognition technique for robotic surveillance systems
A Vinay, AR Deshpande, BS Pranathi, H Jha, KNB Murthy, S Natarajan
Procedia computer science 133, 968-975, 2018
Affine-scale invariant feature transform and two-dimensional principal component analysis: a novel framework for affine and scale invariant face recognition.
A Vinay, VS Shekhar, CA Kumar, S Natarajan, KN Murthy
IET Computer Vision (Wiley-Blackwell) 10 (1), 2016
Unconstrained face recognition using Bayesian classification
A Vinay, A Gupta, A Bharadwaj, A Srinivasan, KNB Murthy, S Natarajan
Procedia computer science 143, 519-527, 2018
A novel and optimal video replication technique for video-on-demand systems
A Vinay, A Prakash, DSK Kumar, K Nagabhushan, TN Anitha
Proceedings of the International Conference & Workshop on Emerging Trends in …, 2011
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Articles 1–20