Hung Keng Pung
Hung Keng Pung
National University of Singapore (Formally)
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Ontology based context modeling and reasoning using OWL
XH Wang, DQ Zhang, T Gu, HK Pung
IEEE annual conference on pervasive computing and communications workshops …, 2004
A service‐oriented middleware for building context‐aware services
T Gu, HK Pung, DQ Zhang
Journal of Network and computer applications 28 (1), 1-18, 2005
An ontology-based context model in intelligent environments
T Gu, XH Wang, HK Pung, DQ Zhang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.05055, 2020
Toward an OSGi-based infrastructure for context-aware applications
T Gu, HK Pung, DQ Zhang
IEEE Pervasive computing 3 (4), 66-74, 2004
A middleware for building context-aware mobile services
T Gu, HK Pung, DQ Zhang
2004 IEEE 59th Vehicular Technology Conference. VTC 2004-Spring (IEEE Cat …, 2004
An integrated color-spatial approach to content-based image retrieval
W Hsu, ST Chua, HH Pung
Proceedings of the third ACM international conference on Multimedia, 305-313, 1995
epsicar: An emerging patterns based approach to sequential, interleaved and concurrent activity recognition
T Gu, Z Wu, X Tao, HK Pung, J Lu
2009 IEEE international conference on pervasive computing and communications …, 2009
Location diversity: Enhanced privacy protection in location based services
M Xue, P Kalnis, HK Pung
Location and Context Awareness: 4th International Symposium, LoCA 2009 Tokyo …, 2009
A timed workflow process model
H Zhuge, T Cheung, H Pung
Journal of Systems and Software 55 (3), 231-243, 2001
Da Qing Zhang. A service-oriented middleware for building context-aware services
T Gu, HK Pung
Journal of Network and computer applications 28 (1), 1-18, 2005
A bayesian approach for dealing with uncertain contexts
T Gu, HK Pung, DQ Zhang, HK Pung, DQ Zhang
na, 2004
Content-based retrieval of segmented images
TS Chua, SK Lim, HK Pung
Proceedings of the second ACM international conference on Multimedia, 211-218, 1994
Object relevance weight pattern mining for activity recognition and segmentation
P Palmes, HK Pung, T Gu, W Xue, S Chen
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 6 (1), 43-57, 2010
Context-aware middleware for pervasive elderly homecare
HK Pung, T Gu, W Xue, PP Palmes, J Zhu, WL Ng, CW Tang, NH Chung
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in communications 27 (4), 510-524, 2009
A concept-based image retrieval system
TS Chua, HK Pung, GJ Lu, HS Jong
1994 Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Hawaii International Conference on …, 1994
Multicast routing method satisfying quality of service constraints, software and devices
H Pung, J Song
US Patent App. 10/121,253, 2002
A multi-constrained distributed QoS routing algorithm
J Song, HK Pung, L Jacob
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Networks 2000 (ICON 2000 …, 2000
Performance modelling and evaluation of IEEE 802.11 distributed coordination function in multihop wireless networks
J He, HK Pung
Computer Communications 29 (9), 1300-1308, 2006
Fairness of medium access control protocols for multi-hop ad hoc wireless networks
J He, HK Pung
Computer Networks 48 (6), 867-890, 2005
Methods, devices and software for merging multicast groups in a packet switched network
HK Pung, KY Koh
US Patent 7,532,622, 2009
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Articles 1–20