Peter Nussbaum
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Cited by
Unsupervised clustering of hyperspectral paper data using t-SNE
B Melit Devassy, S George, P Nussbaum
Journal of imaging 6 (5), 29, 2020
Using gaze information to improve image difference metrics
M Pedersen, P Hardeberg, Jon Yngve & Nussbaum
Human Vision and Electronic Imaging VIII (HVEI-08) 6806, 680611-1-680611-12, 2008
Colour measurement and print quality assessment in a colour managed printing workflow
P Nussbaum
The Norwegian Color Research Laboratory Faculty of Computer Science and …, 2010
Bidirectional reflectance measurement and reflection model fitting of complex materials using an image-based measurement setup
A Sole, I Farup, P Nussbaum, S Tominaga
Journal of Imaging 4 (11), 136, 2018
Print Quality Evaluation and Applied Colour Management in Coldset Offset Newspaper Print
JY Nussbaum, Peter & Hardeberg
Color Research and Application 37 (2), 82-91, 2012
Measurement and rendering of complex non-diffuse and goniochromatic packaging materials
A Sole, GC Guarnera, I Farup, P Nussbaum
The Visual Computer 37 (8), 2207-2220, 2021
Consequences of using a number of different color measurement instruments in a color managed printing workflow
P Nussbaum, A Sole, JY Hardeberg
Proceedings of the 61st annual meeting of technical association of the …, 2009
Evaluating an image-based bidirectional reflectance distribution function measurement setup
A Sole, I Farup, P Nussbaum, S Tominaga
Applied Optics 57 (8), 1918-1928, 2018
Evaluating an image based multi-angle measurement setup using different reflection models
A Sole, I Farup, P Nussbaum
Electronic Imaging 29, 101-107, 2017
The Helmholtz‐Kohlrausch effect on display‐based light colors and simulated substrate colors
G High, P Green, P Nussbaum
Color Research & Application 48 (2), 167-177, 2023
Classification of forensic hyperspectral paper data using hybrid spectral similarity algorithms
Deepthi, BM Devassy, S George, P Nussbaum, T Thomas
Journal of Chemometrics 36 (1), e3387, 2022
Quality of color coding in maps for color deficient observers
NP Kvitle A.K., Pedersen M.
Electronic Imaging, 2016
Content-dependent adaptation in a soft proof matching experiment
G High, P Green, P Nussbaum
Electronic Imaging 29, 67-75, 2017
Factors Affecting the Appearance of Print on Opaque Substrates
P Nussbaum, J Morovic
TAGA, 7-9, 2003
Methods for psychophysical assessment of colour difference by observers with a colour vision deficiency
AK Kvitle, H Oddløkken, P Green, P Nussbaum
2018 Colour and Visual Computing Symposium (CVCS), 1-6, 2018
Adaptive color rendering of maps for users with color vision deficiencies
AK Kvitle, P Green, Phil & Nussbaum
Electronic Imaging 9395 (Color Imaging XX: Displaying, Processing), 9395-42, 2015
Analysis of color measurement uncertainty in a color managed printing workflow
P Nussbaum, JY Sole, Aditya & Hardeberg
Journal of Print and Media Technology Research, 2011
Examining Spatial Attributes for Color Deficient Observers
R Eschbach, P Nussbaum
Electronic Imaging 33, 1-10, 2021
A model of visual opacity for translucent colorants
H Midtfjord, P Green, P Nussbaum
Electronic Imaging 30, 1-6, 2018
Colour vision deficiency transforms using ICC profiles
NP Green P.
Electronic Imaging, 2016
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Articles 1–20