Dhavachelvan P
Dhavachelvan P
Pondicherry University
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Cited by
A survey on data compression techniques: From the perspective of data quality, coding schemes, data type and applications
U Jayasankar, V Thirumal, D Ponnurangam
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 33 (2 …, 2021
Big data and hadoop-a study in security perspective
B Saraladevi, N Pazhaniraja, PV Paul, MSS Basha, P Dhavachelvan
Procedia computer science 50, 596-601, 2015
Evolving a new model (SDLC Model-2010) for software development life cycle (SDLC)
PK Ragunath, S Velmourougan, P Davachelvan, S Kayalvizhi, ...
International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 10 (1), 112-119, 2010
GWO‐LPWSN: grey wolf optimization algorithm for node localization problem in wireless sensor networks
R Rajakumar, J Amudhavel, P Dhavachelvan, T Vengattaraman
Journal of computer networks and communications 2017 (1), 7348141, 2017
Modified gate diffusion input technique: a new technique for enhancing performance in full adder circuits
R Uma, P Dhavachelvan
Procedia Technology 6, 74-81, 2012
Performance analyses over population seeding techniques of the permutation-coded genetic algorithm: An empirical study based on traveling salesman problems
PV Paul, N Moganarangan, SS Kumar, R Raju, T Vengattaraman, ...
Applied soft computing 32, 383-402, 2015
Evaluation of qos based web-service selection techniques for service composition
M Sathya, M Swarnamugi, P Dhavachelvan, G Sureshkumar
International Journal of Software Engineering 1 (5), 73-90, 2010
A new approach in development of distributed framework for automated software testing using agents
P Dhavachelvan, GV Uma, VSK Venkatachalapathy
Knowledge-Based Systems 19 (4), 235-247, 2006
Hybrid Algorithm using the advantage of ACO and Cuckoo Search for Job Scheduling
RG Babukartik, P Dhavachelvan
International Journal of Information Technology Convergence and Services 2 …, 2012
A new lossless neighborhood indexing sequence (NIS) algorithm for data compression in wireless sensor networks
J Uthayakumar, T Vengattaraman, P Dhavachelvan
Ad Hoc Networks 83, 149-157, 2019
An application perspective evaluation of multi-agent system in versatile environments
T Vengattaraman, S Abiramy, P Dhavachelvan, R Baskaran
Expert Systems with Applications 38 (3), 1405-1416, 2011
Swarm intelligence based classification rule induction (CRI) framework for qualitative and quantitative approach: An application of bankruptcy prediction and credit risk analysis
J Uthayakumar, T Vengattaraman, P Dhavachelvan
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 32 (6 …, 2020
Appraisal and analysis on various web service composition approaches based on QoS factors
M Rajeswari, G Sambasivam, N Balaji, MSS Basha, T Vengattaraman, ...
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 26 (1 …, 2014
A new population seeding technique for permutation-coded Genetic Algorithm: Service transfer approach
PV Paul, A Ramalingam, R Baskaran, P Dhavachelvan, K Vivekanandan, ...
Journal of Computational Science 5 (2), 277-297, 2014
Performance analysis of mobile agent failure recovery in e-service applications
S Venkatesan, C Chellappan, P Dhavachelvan
Computer Standards & Interfaces 32 (1-2), 38-43, 2010
QoS enhancements for global replication management in peer to peer networks
PV Paul, N Saravanan, SKV Jayakumar, P Dhavachelvan, R Baskaran
Future Generation Computer Systems 28 (3), 573-582, 2012
A survey on nature inspired meta-heuristic algorithms with its domain specifications
R Rajakumar, P Dhavachelvan, T Vengattaraman
2016 international conference on communication and electronics systems …, 2016
Minimizing the makespan using Hybrid algorithm for cloud computing
R Raju, RG Babukarthik, D Chandramohan, P Dhavachelvan, ...
2013 3rd IEEE international advance computing conference (IACC), 957-962, 2013
A novel algorithm for reducing energy-consumption in cloud computing environment: Web service computing approach
N Moganarangan, RG Babukarthik, S Bhuvaneswari, MSS Basha, ...
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 28 (1), 55-67, 2016
Efficient service cache management in mobile P2P networks
PV Paul, D Rajaguru, N Saravanan, R Baskaran, P Dhavachelvan
Future Generation Computer Systems 29 (6), 1505-1521, 2013
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Articles 1–20