Arpita Saha
Arpita Saha
Assistant Professor, VNIT Nagpur
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Delay at signalized intersections under mixed traffic conditions
A Saha, S Chandra, I Ghosh
Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems 143 (8), 04017041, 2017
Assessment of level-of-service on urban arterials: a case study in Kolkata metropolis
S Biswas, B Singh, A Saha
Int. J. Traffic Transp. Eng 6 (3), 303-312, 2016
Kriging based saturation flow models for traffic conditions in Indian cities
A Saha, S Chakraborty, S Chandra, I Ghosh
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 118, 38-51, 2018
Modeling Platoon Dispersion at Signalized Intersections in Mixed Traffic Scenario
A Saha, S Chandra, I Ghosh
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 44, 1-10, 2018
Effect of nano-materials on asphalt concrete mixes. A case study
A Saha, B Singh, S Biswas
Eur. Transp 65 (1), 1-12, 2017
Saturation flow estimation at signalized intersections under mixed traffic conditions
A Saha, S Chandra, I Ghosh
Urban Transport, 387-393, 2017
Assessment of level of service for urban signalized intersections in India
A Saha, S Chandra, I Ghosh
Current Science 117 (9), 1516-1521, 2019
A comparison of delay at signal controlled intersections based on Different methods
A Saha, S Chandra, I Ghosh
12th Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing …, 2016
Comparison of pedestrian delay models at signalized midblock crossings under mixed traffic conditions
S Manthirikul, U Jain, A Saha, S Marisamynathan
Transportation research procedia 69, 894-901, 2023
Delay in Oversaturated Flow Condition at Signal Controlled Intersection under Heterogeneous Traffic Scenario
A Saha
European Transport \ Trasporti Europei, 15, 2022
A Study on Surrogate Safety Measures at Unsignalized Intersection Blackspots in a Mixed Traffic Scenario
A Saha, P Deshmukh
Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems 150 (11), 04024068, 2024
Identification of Crash Severity Level of Unsignalized Intersection Blackspots in Mixed Traffic Scenario
A Saha, P Deshmukh
National Conference on Recent Advances in Traffic Engineering, 559-574, 2022
Estimation and Comparison of Delay at Signalized Intersections Based on Existing Methods
A Saha, S Chandra, I Ghosh
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal …, 2017
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Articles 1–13