Narendra U P
Narendra U P
Mangalore Institute of Technology and Engineering
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Cited by
Externalization of tacit knowledge in a knowledge management system using chat bots
UP Narendra, BS Pradeep, M Prabhakar
2017 3rd International Conference on Science in Information Technology …, 2017
Framework for Knowledge Management on Education
Narendra U P, M Prabhakar, BS Pradeep
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 29 (6), 2122 -2128, 2020
Framework for knowledge management in engineering institute
N Puttappa, P Siddaiah
2012 Fourth International Conference on Computational Intelligence …, 2012
Life Share-A localized Blood Donor Connector Using Chatbots
UP Narendra
Solid State Technology 63 (6), 7608-7617, 2020
The pertinence of Autonomous Educational Knowledge Management System using Artificial Intelligence in the times of Covid-19
UP Narendra, M Prabhakar, BS Pradeep
Solid State Technology 63 (4), 1279-1286, 2020
Autonomous Educational Knowledge Management System using Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Process Automation
UP Narendra, M Prabhakar, BS Pradeep
Solid State Technology 63 (1s), 2141-2149, 2020
"A study on the role of Knowledge Management Technologies in the Education"
MPBSP U. P. Narendra
IEEE International Conference on Current Trends in Computer, Electrical …, 2017
A study on the role of Knowledge Management Technologies in Education
Narendra U P, BS Pradeep
13th International Conference on Engineering Technology and Innovations …, 2015
Knowledge Management for an Educational Institute based on Ontology
Narendra U P, BS Pradeep
3rd International Conference on Computer Science & Computational Mathematics …, 2014
Externalizing Tacit Information for a Knowledge Management System
Narendra U P, BS Pradeep
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft computing …, 2013
Issues in implementing Knowledge Management
UP Narendra, BS Pradeep
IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSRJCE) ISSN: 2278-0661, ISBN: 2278 …, 2012
Analysis of Content and Collaborative based Filtering and Implementation of a Hybrid Recommender System
JN Narendra U P, Jayashree R
International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation, Madrid …, 2008
Image Enhancement using Triple Energy Well A Novel approach
K Srikantamurthy, S Natarajan, UP Narendra
Geometric Modeling and Imaging (GMAI'07), 121-126, 2007
An intelligent approach to Information Retrieval
DSN Narendra U P, Dr. Srikanta Murthy K
IADIS ,International conference, Vila Real, 2007
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Articles 1–14