Todd A. Palmer
Todd A. Palmer
Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics and Materials Science and Engineering, Pennsylvania
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Anisotropic tensile behavior of Ti–6Al–4V components fabricated with directed energy deposition additive manufacturing
BE Carroll, TA Palmer, AM Beese
Acta Materialia 87, 309-320, 2015
Effect of processing parameters on microstructure and tensile properties of austenitic stainless steel 304L made by directed energy deposition additive manufacturing
Z Wang, TA Palmer, AM Beese
Acta Materialia 110, 226-235, 2016
Effect of inter-layer dwell time on distortion and residual stress in additive manufacturing of titanium and nickel alloys
ER Denlinger, JC Heigel, P Michaleris, TA Palmer
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 215, 123-131, 2015
Heat transfer and fluid flow during keyhole mode laser welding of tantalum, Ti–6Al–4V, 304L stainless steel and vanadium
R Rai, JW Elmer, TA Palmer, T DebRoy
Journal of physics D: Applied physics 40 (18), 5753, 2007
Building blocks for a digital twin of additive manufacturing
GL Knapp, T Mukherjee, JS Zuback, HL Wei, TA Palmer, A De, T DebRoy
Acta Materialia 135, 390-399, 2017
In situ observations of lattice expansion and transformation rates of α and β phases in Ti–6Al–4V
JW Elmer, TA Palmer, SS Babu, ED Specht
Materials Science and Engineering: A 391 (1-2), 104-113, 2005
Phase transformation dynamics during welding of Ti–6Al–4V
JW Elmer, TA Palmer, SS Babu, W Zhang, T DebRoy
Journal of applied physics 95 (12), 8327-8339, 2004
Problems and issues in laser-arc hybrid welding
B Ribic, TA Palmer, T DebRoy
International materials reviews 54 (4), 223-244, 2009
Defects in metal additive manufacturing processes
MC Brennan, JS Keist, TA Palmer
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 30 (7), 4808-4818, 2021
Direct Observations of Sigma Phase Formation in Duplex Stainless Steels Using In-Situ Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction
JW Elmer, TA Palmer, ED Specht
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 38, 464-475, 2007
Heat transfer and fluid flow in additive manufacturing
A Raghavan, HL Wei, TA Palmer, T Debroy
Journal of Laser Applications 25 (5), 2013
Role of geometry on properties of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V structures fabricated using laser based directed energy deposition
JS Keist, TA Palmer
Materials & Design 106, 482-494, 2016
Toward an integrated computational system for describing the additive manufacturing process for metallic materials
R Martukanitz, P Michaleris, T Palmer, T DebRoy, ZK Liu, R Otis, TW Heo, ...
Additive Manufacturing 1, 52-63, 2014
Heat transfer and fluid flow during electron beam welding of 304L stainless steel alloy
R Rai, TA Palmer, JW Elmer, T Debroy
Welding Journal 88 (3), 54-61, 2009
Kinetic modeling of phase transformations occurring in the HAZ of C-Mn steel welds based on direct observations
JW Elmer, TA Palmer, W Zhang, B Wood, T DebRoy
Acta Materialia 51 (12), 3333-3349, 2003
In situ monitoring and characterization of distortion during laser cladding of Inconel® 625
JC Heigel, P Michaleris, TA Palmer
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 220, 135-145, 2015
Anisotropic microstructure and superelasticity of additive manufactured NiTi alloy bulk builds using laser directed energy deposition
BA Bimber, RF Hamilton, J Keist, TA Palmer
Materials Science and Engineering: A 674, 125-134, 2016
Impact of composition on the heat treatment response of additively manufactured 17–4 PH grade stainless steel
SD Meredith, JS Zuback, JS Keist, TA Palmer
Materials Science and Engineering: A 738, 44-56, 2018
Development of strength-hardness relationships in additively manufactured titanium alloys
JS Keist, TA Palmer
Materials Science and Engineering: A 693, 214-224, 2017
Additive manufacturing of functionally graded transition joints between ferritic and austenitic alloys
JS Zuback, TA Palmer, T DebRoy
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 770, 995-1003, 2019
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Articles 1–20