Shanmukh Kamble
Shanmukh Kamble
Professor, Department of Psychology, Karnatak University Dharwad
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To belong is to matter: Sense of belonging enhances meaning in life
NM Lambert, TF Stillman, JA Hicks, S Kamble, RF Baumeister, ...
Personality and social psychology bulletin 39 (11), 1418-1427, 2013
Universals and cultural variations in 22 emotional expressions across five cultures.
DT Cordaro, R Sun, D Keltner, S Kamble, N Huddar, G McNeil
Emotion 18 (1), 75, 2018
Heterogeneity of long-history migration explains cultural differences in reports of emotional expressivity and the functions of smiles
M Rychlowska, Y Miyamoto, D Matsumoto, U Hess, E Gilboa-Schechtman, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (19), E2429-E2436, 2015
Psychological distress in North America during COVID-19: The role of pandemic-related stressors
J Zheng, T Morstead, N Sin, P Klaiber, D Umberson, S Kamble, ...
Social science & medicine 270, 113687, 2021
Compassion and contamination. Cultural differences in vegetarianism
MB Ruby, SJ Heine, S Kamble, TK Cheng, M Waddar
Appetite 71, 340-348, 2013
Detecting affiliation in colaughter across 24 societies
GA Bryant, DMT Fessler, R Fusaroli, E Clint, L Aarøe, CL Apicella, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (17), 4682-4687, 2016
The mental health continuum‐short form: The structure and application for cross‐cultural studies–A 38 nation study
M Żemojtel‐Piotrowska, JP Piotrowski, EN Osin, J Cieciuch, BG Adams, ...
Journal of clinical psychology 74 (6), 1034-1052, 2018
Cross-cultural differences and similarities in human value instantiation
PHP Hanel, GR Maio, AKS Soares, KC Vione, GL de Holanda Coelho, ...
Frontiers in psychology 9, 849, 2018
Country‐level correlates of the dark triad traits in 49 countries
PK Jonason, M Żemojtel‐Piotrowska, J Piotrowski, C Sedikides, ...
Journal of personality 88 (6), 1252-1267, 2020
Belief in a just world, teacher justice, and bullying behavior
M Donat, S Umlauft, C Dalbert, SV Kamble
Aggressive Behavior 38 (3), 185-193, 2012
Breaking ground in cross-cultural research on the fear of being laughed at (gelotophobia): A multi-national study involving 73 countries
RT Proyer, W Ruch, NS Ali, HS Al-Olimat, T Amemiya, TA Adal, SA Ansari, ...
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 22 (1-2), 253-279, 2009
The meaning of students’ personal belief in a just world for positive and negative aspects of school-specific well-being
M Donat, F Peter, C Dalbert, SV Kamble
Social Justice Research 29, 73-102, 2016
Life balance and well‐being: Testing a novel conceptual and measurement approach
KM Sheldon, R Cummins, S Kamble
Journal of Personality 78 (4), 1093-1134, 2010
Belief in a just world and well-being of bullies, victims and defenders: A study with Portuguese and Indian students
I Correia, SV Kamble, C Dalbert
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 22 (5), 497-508, 2009
Peer attachment and cyber aggression involvement among Chinese, Indian, and Japanese adolescents
MF Wright, I Aoyama, SV Kamble, Z Li, S Soudi, L Lei, C Shu
Societies 5 (2), 339-353, 2015
Cross-national differences in global citizenship: Comparison of Bulgaria, India, and the United States
KM Iva, R Stephen, V Nandini
Journal of Globalization Studies 3 (2), 166-183, 2012
Self-control, diet concerns and eater prototypes influence fatty foods consumption of adolescents in three countries
JH Gerrits, RE O'Hara, BF Piko, FX Gibbons, DTD De Ridder, N Keresztes, ...
Health Education Research 25 (6), 1031-1041, 2010
The recognition of 18 facial-bodily expressions across nine cultures.
DT Cordaro, R Sun, S Kamble, N Hodder, M Monroy, A Cowen, Y Bai, ...
Emotion 20 (7), 1292, 2020
Belief in a just world and wellbeing in Indian schools
SV Kamble, C Dalbert
International Journal of Psychology 47 (4), 269-278, 2012
Indian mate preferences: Continuity, sex differences, and cultural change across a quarter of a century
S Kamble, TK Shackelford, M Pham, DM Buss
Personality and Individual Differences 70, 150-155, 2014
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Articles 1–20