Vibhuti Bhushan Pandey
Vibhuti Bhushan Pandey
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A new framework based on continuum damage mechanics and XFEM for high cycle fatigue crack growth simulations
VB Pandey, IV Singh, BK Mishra, S Ahmad, AV Rao, V Kumar
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 206, 172-200, 2019
Creep crack simulations using continuum damage mechanics and extended finite element method
VB Pandey, IV Singh, BK Mishra, S Ahmad, AV Rao, V Kumar
International Journal of Damage Mechanics 28 (1), 3-34, 2019
An improved methodology based on continuum damage mechanics and stress triaxiality to capture the constraint effect during fatigue crack propagation
VB Pandey, SS Samant, IV Singh, BK Mishra
International Journal of Fatigue 140, 105823, 2020
A Strain-based continuum damage model for low cycle fatigue under different strain ratios
VB Pandey, IV Singh, BK Mishra
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 242, 107479, 2021
A polygonal FEM and continuum damage mechanics based framework for stochastic simulation of fatigue life scatter in duplex microstructure titanium alloys
D Sharma, VB Pandey, IV Singh, S Natarajan, J Kumar, S Ahmad
Mechanics of Materials 163, 104071, 2021
Static bending and dynamic analysis of functionally graded piezoelectric beam subjected to electromechanical loads
VB Pandey, SK Parashar
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2016
A new creep-fatigue interaction damage model and CDM-XFEM framework for creep-fatigue crack growth simulations
VB Pandey, IV Singh, BK Mishra
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 124, 103740, 2023
Effect of double austenitization treatment on fatigue crack growth and high cycle fatigue behavior of modified 9Cr–1Mo steel
SS Samant, VB Pandey, IV Singh, RN Singh
Materials Science and Engineering: A 788, 139495, 2020
A stress triaxiality based modified Liu–Murakami creep damage model for creep crack growth life prediction in different specimens
VB Pandey, IV Singh, BK Mishra
International Journal of Fracture 221 (1), 101-121, 2020
Continuum damage mechanics based computational framework for prediction of the lifetime and degradation of wind turbine coatings with defects
VB Pandey, N Kuthe, P Mahajan, L Mishnaevsky Jr
Engineering Failure Analysis 154, 107641, 2023
Mixed-mode creep crack growth simulations using continuum damage mechanics and virtual node XFEM
VB Pandey, M Kumar, IV Singh, BK Mishra, S Ahmad, A Venugopal Rao, ...
Structural Integrity Assessment: Proceedings of ICONS 2018, 275-284, 2020
A Numerical Study of Creep Crack Growth in an Aero-engine Turbine Disc using XFEM
M Kumar, VB Pandey, IV Singh, BK Mishra, S Ahmad, AV Rao, V Kumar
Procedia Structural Integrity 14, 839-848, 2019
Investigation of static and dynamic behavior of functionally graded piezoelectric actuated Poly-Si micro cantilever probe
VB Pandey, SK Parashar
AIP conference proceedings 1724 (1), 2016
Complete Creep Life Prediction Using Continuum Damage Mechanics and XFEM
VB Pandey, IV Singh, BK Mishra
Recent Advances in Computational Mechanics and Simulations, 169-176, 2021
Numerical study of microstructural fatigue crack growth using damage mechanics
MS Rajput, L Rajput, VB Pandey, DK Sharma
Materials Today: Proceedings 44, 3079-3085, 2021
Static and dynamic analysis of functionally graded piezoelectric material beam
SK Parashar, VB Pandey
Shaker Verlag, 2015
Investigating Damage Initiation in Wind Turbine Blade Coating Under Repeated Raindrop Impacts
N Kuthe, VB Pandey, S Ahmad, P Mahajan, L Mishnaevsky Jr
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 86908 …, 2023
Crack initiation and propagation using damage mechanics and XFEM under creep fatigue environment
VB Pandey
Roorkee, 0
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Articles 1–18