Chandrashekara S Adiga
Chandrashekara S Adiga
MIT, Manipal
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Cited by
A Neuro-Expert System for planning and load forecasting of distribution systems
CS Adiga, T Anantha Padmanabha, AD Kulkarni
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy System 21, 309-314, 1999
A Study on Daylight Integration with Thermal Comfort for Energy Conservation in a General Office
A Chandrashekara S, K Savitha G, SG Navada
International Journal of Electrical Energy 1 (1), 18-22, 2013
Energy conservation in lighting systems using Neuro-expert system
A Chandrashekara S, A Radhakrishna S, S R S
National Conference on Advanced Lighting Concepts Towards Energy …, 2001
Analysis of Thermal Comfort and Visual Comfort—A Soft Computing Approach
SG Navada, CS Adiga, SG Kini
Advances in Electronics, Communication and Computing: ETAEERE-2016, 613-621, 2018
Power from rice husk for rice mills-a case study
SG Kini, AS Chandrashekara, SA Radhakrishna
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 405-409, 2016
Network routing problem-A simulation environment using Intelligent technique
CS Adiga, HG Joshi, SV Harish, Vijayalaxmi
International Journal of Advanced Computer Research 3 (4), 166, 2013
FPGA based Reconfigurable Computing Systems: A New Design Approach-A Review
CS Adiga, SV Harish
International Conference on Control, Robotics and Cybernetics (ICCRC 2011 …, 2011
Application of Neural Networks in Lighting System Design – Evaluation of Utilization Factor
CS Adiga, RS Aithal, S R S
International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems 12 (3), 145-149, 2004
Volatility prediction model for option pricing: A soft computing approach
V Vijayalaxmi, CS Adiga, HG Joshi, SV Harish
International Journal of Soft Computing 10 (6), 391-399, 2015
Option pricing model and graphical user interface using matlab
CS Adiga, SV Harish
An Intelligent Approach for Option Pricing
CS Adiga, HG Joshi
Journal of Economics and Finance, 92-96, 2017
A soft computing approach for option pricing
CS Adiga, HG Joshi, SV Harish
Energy Conservation Measures for an Office Building
SG Navada, CS Adiga, SG Kini
Option Pricing Using Chaos Theory: A Simulation Environment
A Lal, CS Adiga, HG Joshi
Digital Circuits Optimization: An Intelligent Approach-A Simulation Study
A Chandrashekara S, J Harish G, H S V, Vijayalaxmi
International Journal of Electronics and Computer Science Engineering 3 (4 …, 2014
Reconfigurable Architecture for Financial Derivatives-An intelligent approach: A study
CS Adiga, HG Joshi, SV Harish
International Conference on Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence …, 2012
Computational intelligence approaches and Evolutionary algorithms: A Studyfor Financial Derivatives
CS Adiga, HG Joshi, SV Harish
International Journal of Advances in Engineering Science and Technology 1 (2 …, 2012
Optimization of Digital Structure Design in FPGA based Reconfigurable Computing Systems-A Review
A Chandrashekara S, H S V, Vijayalaxmi
National Conference on Advances in Electrical Enginering (NCAEE2010), 2011
Applications of Fuzzy-FPGA systems and Lighting control systems – A review
A Chandrashekara S., SG Navada
International Conference on Computer Applications and Network Security, 317-321, 2011
Optimization of Digital Structure Design in FPGA based Reconfigurable Computing Systems-A Review
CS Adiga, SV Harish
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Articles 1–20