Pan, James
Pan, James
Chemist, USDA
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Cited by
Polishing and parboiling effect on the nutritional and technological properties of pigmented rice
FF Paiva, NL Vanier, JDJ Berrios, VZ Pinto, D Wood, T Williams, J Pan, ...
Food chemistry 191, 105-112, 2016
Physicochemical and nutritional properties of pigmented rice subjected to different degrees of milling
FF Paiva, NL Vanier, JDJ Berrios, J Pan, F de Almeida Villanova, ...
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 35 (1), 10-17, 2014
Development and characterization of spaghetti with high resistant starch content supplemented with banana starch
RG Hernández-Nava, JDJ Berrios, J Pan, P Osorio-Diaz, LA Bello-Perez
Food Science and Technology International 15 (1), 73-78, 2009
Gluten-free spaghetti made with chickpea, unripe plantain and maize flours: functional and chemical properties and starch digestibility
PC Flores-Silva, JDJ Berrios, J Pan, P Osorio-Diaz, LA Bello-Pérez
International Journal of Food Science and Technology 49 (9), 1985-1991, 2014
Sodium bicarbonate and the microstructure, expansion and color of extruded black beans
JDJ Berrios, DF Wood, L Whitehand, J Pan
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 28 (5), 321-335, 2004
Gluten-free spaghetti with unripe plantain, chickpea and maize: physicochemical, texture and sensory properties
PC Flores-Silva, JDJ Berrios, J Pan, E Agama-Acevedo, ...
CyTA-Journal of Food 13 (2), 159-166, 2015
Distribution of aflatoxin in pistachios. 3. Distribution in pistachio process streams
TF Schatzki, JL Pan
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 44 (4), 1076-1084, 1996
Novel gluten-free formulations from lentil flours and nutritional yeast: Evaluation of extrusion effect on phytochemicals and non-nutritional factors
M Ciudad-Mulero, V Fernández-Ruiz, C Cuadrado, C Arribas, ...
Food chemistry 315, 126175, 2020
Physical characteristics of food extrudates-a review
RT Patil, JDJ Berrios, J Tang, J Pan, B Swanson
2005 ASAE Annual Meeting, 1, 2005
Effect of the co-existing and excipient oil on the bioaccessibility of β-carotene loaded oil-free nanoparticles
L Chen, R Liang, W Yokoyama, P Alves, J Pan, F Zhong
Food Hydrocolloids 106, 105847, 2020
Passion fruit shell flour and rice blends processed into fiber-rich expanded extrudates
PLS Alves, JDJ Berrios, J Pan, JLR Ascheri
CyTA-Journal of Food 16 (1), 901-908, 2018
Tiger Nut (Cyperus esculentus) as a Functional Ingredient in Gluten-Free Extruded Snacks
N Gasparre, J Pan, PL da Silva Alves, CM Rosell, J De J. Berrios
Foods 9 (12), 1770, 2020
Distribution of aflatoxin in pistachios. 4. Distribution in small pistachios
TF Schatzki, J Pan
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 45 (1), 205-207, 1997
Effect of encapsulation on β-carotene absorption and metabolism in mice
L Chen, W Yokoyama, P Alves, Y Tan, J Pan, F Zhong
Food Hydrocolloids 121, 107009, 2021
In vitro bile acid binding capacity of milled wheat bran and milled extruded wheat bran at five specific mechanical energy levels
TS Kahlon, J de J. Berrios, GE Smith, JL Pan
Cereal chemistry 83 (4), 434-438, 2006
Extrusion conditions modify hypocholesterolemic properties of wheat bran fed to hamsters
TS Kahlon, J de J. Berrios, GE Smith, JL Pan
Cereal chemistry 83 (2), 152-156, 2006
Influence of drying methods on health indicators of brewers spent grain for potential upcycling into food products
S Thai, RJ Avena-Bustillos, P Alves, J Pan, A Osorio-Ruiz, J Miller, C Tam, ...
Applied Food Research 2 (1), 100052, 2022
Evaluation of extruded black bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) processed under different screw speeds and particle sizes
J Berrios, J Pan
Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the Institute of Food technologist, New …, 2001
In vitro bile acid binding capacity of wheat bran extruded at five specific mechanical energy levels
TS Kahlon, J de J. Berrios, GE Smith, JL Pan
Cereal chemistry 83 (2), 157-160, 2006
Glycerol content effect on the tensile properties of whey protein sheets formed by twin-screw extrusion
VM Hernandez, TH McHugh, J Berrios, D Olson, J Pan, JM Krochta
IFT Annual Meeting and Food Expo, Orlando, FL, 2006
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Articles 1–20