Giancarlo Trimarchi
Giancarlo Trimarchi
Thermo-Calc Software AB, Solna (Stockholm), Sweden
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Cited by
Stereochemical effects in supramolecular self-assembly at surfaces: 1-D versus 2-D enantiomorphic ordering for PVBA and PEBA on Ag (111)
JV Barth, J Weckesser, G Trimarchi, M Vladimirova, A De Vita, C Cai, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 124 (27), 7991-8000, 2002
Cs2PbI2Cl2, All-Inorganic Two-Dimensional Ruddlesden–Popper Mixed Halide Perovskite with Optoelectronic Response
J Li, Q Yu, Y He, CC Stoumpos, G Niu, GG Trimarchi, H Guo, G Dong, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (35), 11085-11090, 2018
Global space-group optimization problem: Finding the stablest crystal structure without constraints
G Trimarchi, A Zunger
Physical Review B 75 (10), 104113, 2007
Polymorphous band structure model of gapping in the antiferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases of the Mott insulators MnO, FeO, CoO, and NiO
G Trimarchi, Z Wang, A Zunger
Physical Review B 97 (3), 035107, 2018
Construction and solution of a Wannier-functions based Hamiltonian in the pseudopotential plane-wave framework for strongly correlated materials
D Korotin, AV Kozhevnikov, SL Skornyakov, I Leonov, N Binggeli, ...
The European Physical Journal B 65 (1), 91, 2008
α-Particle Detection and Charge Transport Characteristics in the A3M2I9 Defect Perovskites (A = Cs, Rb; M = Bi, Sb)
KM McCall, Z Liu, G Trimarchi, CC Stoumpos, W Lin, Y He, I Hadar, ...
ACS Photonics, 5 (9), 3748, 2018
Structural and electronic properties of LaMnO_ {3} under pressure: An ab initio LDA+ U study
G Trimarchi, N Binggeli
Physical Review B 71 (3), 035101, 2005
Direct thermal neutron detection by the 2D semiconductor 6LiInP2Se6
DG Chica, Y He, KM McCall, DY Chung, RO Pak, G Trimarchi, Z Liu, ...
Nature 577, 346–349, 2020
Air-Stable Direct Bandgap Perovskite Semiconductors: All-Inorganic Tin-Based Heteroleptic Halides AxSnClyIz (A = Cs, Rb)
J Li, CC Stoumpos, GG Trimarchi, I Chung, L Mao, M Chen, ...
Chemistry of Materials 30 (14), 4847-4856, 2018
Predicting stable stoichiometries of compounds via evolutionary global space-group optimization
G Trimarchi, AJ Freeman, A Zunger
Physical Review B 80 (9), 092101, 2009
Using design principles to systematically plan the synthesis of hole-conducting transparent oxides: Cu3VO4 and Ag3VO4 as a case study
G Trimarchi, H Peng, J Im, AJ Freeman, V Cloet, A Raw, ...
Physical Review B 84 (16), 165116, 2011
Defect anti-perovskite compounds Hg3Q2I2 (Q=S, Se and Te) for Room Temperature Hard Radiation Detection
He, Kontsevoi, Stoumpos, Trimarchi, Islam, Liu, Kostina, Das, Wessels, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017
LDA+ DMFT implemented with the pseudopotential plane-wave approach
G Trimarchi, I Leonov, N Binggeli, D Korotin, VI Anisimov
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (13), 135227, 2008
Mesoscopic chiral reshaping of the Ag (110) surface induced by the organic molecule PVBA
JI Pascual, JV Barth, G Ceballos, G Trimarchi, A De Vita, K Kern, HP Rust
The Journal of chemical physics 120 (24), 11367-11370, 2004
Possible pitfalls in theoretical determination of ground-state crystal structures: The case of platinum nitride
X Zhang, G Trimarchi, A Zunger
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (9), 092102, 2009
CaFe4As3: A Metallic Iron Arsenide with Anisotropic Magnetic and Charge-Transport Properties
I Todorov, DY Chung, CD Malliakas, Q Li, T Bakas, A Douvalis, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (15), 5405-5407, 2009
Structural, Optical, and Transport Properties of alpha- and beta-Ag3VO4
V Cloet, A Raw, KR Poeppelmeier, et al.
Chemistry of Materials 24 (17), 3346-3354, 2012
Finding the lowest-energy crystal structure starting from randomly selected lattice vectors and atomic positions: first-principles evolutionary study of the Au–Pd, Cd–Pt, Al–Sc …
G Trimarchi, A Zunger
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20, 295212, 2008
Charge Density Wave in the New Polymorphs of RE2Ru3Ge5 (RE = Pr, Sm, Dy)
DE Bugaris, CD Malliakas, F Han, NP Calta, M Sturza, MJ Krogstad, ...
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2017
Strain-minimizing tetrahedral networks of semiconductor alloys
JZ Liu, G Trimarchi, A Zunger
Physical review letters 99 (14), 145501, 2007
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