Shwetha Rai
Shwetha Rai
Assistant Professor, Manipal Academy of Higher Education
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Cited by
Parallel Implementation of kNN Algorithm for Breast Cancer Detection
S Athani, S Joshi, BA Rao, S Rai, NG Kini
Evolution in Computational Intelligence, 475-483, 2020
Binary Count Tree: An Efficient and Compact Structure for Mining Rare and Frequent Itemsets
S Rai, M Geetha, P Kumar, B Giridhar
Engineered Science 17, 185-194, 2022
Super sort algorithm using MPI and CUDA
SD Pereira, RB Ashwath, S Rai, NG Kini
Intelligent Data Engineering and Analytics, 165-170, 2021
Parallel Message Encryption Through Playfair Cipher Using CUDA
S Goyal, BS Pacholi, BA Rao, S Rai, NG Kini
Evolution in Computational Intelligence, 519-526, 2021
A tree based approach for concept maps construction in adaptive learning systems
N Gupta, V Mayank, M Geetha, S Rai, S Karanth
Applications and Techniques in Information Security: 9th International …, 2018
WBIN-Tree: A Single Scan Based Complete, Compact and Abstract Tree for Discovering Rare and Frequent Itemset Using Parallel Technique
S Rai, P Kumar, KN Shetty, M Geetha, B Giridhar
IEEE Access, 2024
Parallel matrix sort using MPI and CUDA
P Ojha, P Singh, GN Kini, BA Rao, S Rai
Communication and Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of ICCIS 2020, 575-583, 2021
Comparison of CutShort: a hybrid sorting technique using MPI and CUDA
H Yadav, S Naik, BA Rao, S Rai, G Kini
Evolution in Computational Intelligence, 421-428, 2021
Partial Weighted Count Tree for Discovery of Rare and Frequent Itemsets
S Rai, M Geetha, P Kumar, B Giridhar
Engineered Science 20, 284-295, 2022
Parallel Implementation of Luhn’s Algorithm for Credit Card Validation Using MPI and CUDA
PKG Kudva, ML Shreyas, BA Rao, S Rai, NG Kini
Evolution in Computational Intelligence, 405-411, 2020
Determining effectiveness of multithreading for solving problems with low computational complexity
S Rupsa, R Shwetha, P Srikanth, M Geetha
International Journal of Computer Science & Communication 4 (2), 161-166, 2013
Preprocessing of Datasets Using Sequential and Parallel Approach: A Comparison
S Rai, M Geetha, P Kumar
Expert Clouds and Applications, 311-320, 2022
Efficient Mining of Rare Itemsets
S Rai, M Geetha, P Kumar
International Conference on Communication, Computing and Electronics Systems …, 2021
Discovery of Infrequent Weighted Itemsets using Tree Structure: A Comparison between FP-Tree and RP-Tree
N Verma, S Rai, V Pai
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Articles 1–14