Dr Deepakkumar H Patil
Dr Deepakkumar H Patil
CSMSS Shahu College of Engineering, Aurangabad
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Cited by
Some investigations in hard turning of AISI 4340 alloy steel in different cutting environments by CBN insert
DM Naigade, DH Patil, M Sadaiah
International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials 14 (2 …, 2013
The effect of the rolling direction, temperature, and etching time on the photochemical machining of monel 400 microchannels
DH Patil, S Mudigonda
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2016 (1), 6751305, 2016
Comparative study of FeCl3 and CuCl2 on geometrical features using photochemical machining of monel 400
DH Patil, SB Thorat, RA Khake, S Mudigonda
Procedia CIRP 68, 144-149, 2018
Investigation on effect of grain orientation in photochemical machining of Monel 400
DH Patil, S Mudigonda
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 32 (16), 1831-1837, 2017
Multi-plant and multi-crop leaf disease detection and classification using deep neural networks, machine learning, image processing with precision agriculture-A review
YH Bhosale, SR Zanwar, SS Ali, NS Vaidya, RA Auti, DH Patil
2023 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics …, 2023
Some investigations on surface texturing on Monel 400 using photochemical machining
S Mudigonda, DH Patil
International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference 56826 …, 2015
Investigations on finish turning of AISI 4340 steel in different cutting environments by CBN insert
PH Deepakkumar, M Sadaiah
International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 3 (10), 2011
Study of the effect of PCM process parameters on geometry type, Ra, depth of etch, undercut comparing FeCl3 and CuCl2 etchants on Monel 400
D Patil, S Thorat, M Sadaiah
Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies 10 (3), 1956-1976, 2024
Some Investigations on Photochemical Machining of Cobalt-ChromiumL605 Alloy
S Thorat, V Lonkar, D Patil, M Sadaiah
Proceedings of 6th International & 27th All India Manufacturing Technology …, 2016
Comparative performance analysis of PVD-coated tools in orthogonal turning of duplex stainless steel
D Patil, S Kadam, H Mahala, D Chavan, A Takle, M Sadaiah
Journal of Micromanufacturing, 25165984241301532, 2024
Chemical Machining of Monel
D Patil, R Dugad, S Farakate, M Sadaiah
International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing 2016 (ICCASP …, 2016
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Articles 1–11