Dragan Avirovik
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Cited by
Characterization and representation of mechanical waves generated in piezo-electric augmented beams
V Malladi, D Avirovik, S Priya, P Tarazaga
Smart Materials and Structures 24 (10), 105026, 2015
Theoretical and experimental correlation of mechanical wave formation on beams
D Avirovik, VVNS Malladi, S Priya, PA Tarazaga
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 27 (14), 1939-1948, 2016
Thermal management of thermoacoustic sound projectors using a free-standing carbon nanotube aerogel sheet as a heat source
AE Aliev, NK Mayo, RH Baughman, D Avirovik, S Priya, MR Zarnetske, ...
Nanotechnology 25 (40), 405704, 2014
Remote light energy harvesting and actuation using shape memory alloy—piezoelectric hybrid transducer
D Avirovik, A Kumar, RJ Bodnar, S Priya
Smart Materials and Structures 22 (5), 052001, 2013
Contact-less wind turbine utilizing piezoelectric bimorphs with magnetic actuation
S Bressers, D Avirovik, M Lallart, DJ Inman, S Priya
Structural Dynamics, Volume 3: Proceedings of the 28th IMAC, A Conference on …, 2011
Millipede-inspired locomotion through novel U-shaped piezoelectric motors
D Avirovik, B Butenhoff, S Priya
Smart materials and structures 23 (3), 037001, 2014
Small-scale modular windmill
S Bressers, D Avirovik, C Vernieri, J Regan, S Chappell, M Hotze, ...
American Ceramics Society Bulletin 89 (8), 34-40, 2010
Travelling wave phenomenon through a piezoelectric actuation on a free-free beam
VVNS Malladi, D Avirovik, S Priya, PA Tarazaga
Smart Materials, Adaptive structures and intelligent systems 46148, V001T03A017, 2014
Miniature Shape Memory Alloy Heat Engine for Powering Wireless Sensor Nodes
S Avirovik, D., Kishore, R., Vuckovic, D., Priya
Energy Harvesting and Systems, 1-6, 2014
Tunable magnetoelectric response of dimensionally gradient laminate composites
CS Park, D Avirovik, MI Bichurin, VM Petrov, S Priya
Applied Physics Letters 100 (21), 2012
Magnetoelectric composites for medical applications
M Paluszek, D Avirovik, Y Zhou, S Priya
Composite magnetoelectrics. Materials, structures and applications. Editors …, 2015
L-shaped piezoelectric motor-Part I: Design and experimental analysis
D Avirovik, S Priya
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 59 …, 2012
Composite magnetoelectrics
M Paluszek, D Avirovik, Y Zhou, S Kundu, A Chopra, R Montague, S Priya
Srinivasan, G., Priya, S., Sun, NX, Eds 297, 2015
Thermoacoustic excitation of sonar projector plates by free-standing carbon nanotube sheets
AE Aliev, NK Mayo, RH Baughman, D Avirovik, S Priya, MR Zarnetske, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 47 (35), 355302, 2014
Low-frequency nanotesla sensitivity in Metglas/piezoelectric/carbon fiber/piezoelectric composites with active tip mass
CS Park, D Avirovik, S Bressers, S Priya
Applied Physics Letters 98 (6), 2011
Miniature contactless piezoelectric wind turbine
D Avirovik, R Kishore, S Bressers, DJ Inman, S Priya
Integrated Ferroelectrics 159 (1), 1-13, 2015
L-shaped piezoelectric motor-part II: Analytical modeling
D Avirovik, MA Karami, D Inman, S Priya
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 59 …, 2012
Small-scale modular wind turbine
S Bressers, C Vernier, J Regan, S Chappell, M Hotze, S Luhman, ...
Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems 2010 7643, 878-886, 2010
Crawling-inspired robot utilizing L-shape piezoelectric actuators
D Avirovik, S Priya
2013 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics …, 2013
Structural Dynamics. Vol. 3, edited by T. Proulx
S Bressers, D Avirovik, M Lallart
Springer, New York, 2011
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Articles 1–20