Amalendu Ghosh
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Cited by
Bio-efficacy of spinosad against tomato fruit borer (Helicoverpa armigera Hub.)(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and its natural enemies
A Ghosh, M Chatterjee, A Roy
Journal of Horticulture and Forestry 2 (5), 108-111, 2010
Field evaluation of insecticides against chilli thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood)
A Ghosh, ML Chatterjee, K Chakraborti, A Samanta
Annals of Plant Protection Sciences 17 (1), 69-71, 2009
Dinotefuran: A third generation neonicotinoid insecticide for management of rice brown planthopper
A Ghosh, A Samanta, ML Chatterjee
African journal of Agricultural research 9 (8), 750-754, 2014
Occurrence of a new cryptic species of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae): An updated record of cryptic diversity in India
Mehzabin Rehman, Prosenjit Chakraborty, Bhaben Tanti, Bikash Mandal ...
Phytoparasitica, 10.1007/s12600-021-00909-9, 2021
Genetics of Thrips palmi (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)
Amalendu Ghosh, S Jagdale, Basavaraj, Ralf Dietzgen, RK Jain
Journal of Pest Science 93 (1), 27-39, 2020
Thrips as the Vectors of Tospoviruses in Indian Agriculture
Amalendu Ghosh, Debjani Dey, Timmanna, Basavaraj, Bikash Mandal, RK Jain
A Century of Plant Virology in India, 537-561, 2017
A rapid field-based assay using recombinase polymerase amplification for identification of Thrips palmi, a vector of tospoviruses
Priti, Sumit Jangra, Amalendu Ghosh*
Journal of Pest Science,, 2020
Exposure to watermelon bud necrosis virus and groundnut bud necrosis virus alters the life history traits of their vector, Thrips palmi (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)
Amalendu Ghosh, Y. B. Basavaraj, Sumit Jangra, Amrita Das
Archives of Virology, 2019
How many begomovirus copies are acquired and inoculated by its vector, whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) during feeding?
Amalendu Ghosh*, Buddhadeb Roy, Prosenjit Chakraborty
Plos One 16 (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0258933), 16(10): e0258933, 2021
Sulfoximine: A novel insecticide for management of rice brown planthopper in India
A Ghosh, A Das, A Samanta, ML Chatterjee, A Roy
African Journal of Agricultural Research 8 (38), 4798-4803, 2013
Aphids as Vectors of the Plant Viruses in India
Amalendu Ghosh, Samiran Chakraborti, Bikash Mandal, NK Krishna Kumar
A Century of Plant Virology in India, 515-536, 2017
Groundnut bud necrosis virus modulates the expression of innate immune, endocytosis, and cuticle development-associated genes to circulate and propagate in its vector, Thrips palmi
DK Mahanta, S Jangra, Priti, A Ghosh, PK Sharma, MA Iquebal, S Jaiswal, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 13, 773238, 2022
Topical Spray of dsRNA Induces Mortality and Inhibits Chilli Leaf Curl Virus Transmission by Bemisia tabaci Asia II 1
Prosenjit Chakraborty, Amalendu Ghosh*
Cells 11 (5), 833, 2022
Cardamom Bushy Dwarf Virus Infection in Large Cardamom Alters Plant Selection Preference, Life Stages, and Fecundity of Aphid Vector, Micromyzus kalimpongensis (Hemiptera …
Amalendu Ghosh, Amrita Das, S. Vijayanandraj, Bikash Mandal
Environmental Entomology 45 (1), 178-184, 2016
Efficacy of insecticides against mango hoppers and fruit yield
A Samanta, A Gosh, TK Hembram, S Patra, AK Somchowdhury
Annals of Plant Protection Sciences 17 (1), 243-244, 2009
Rapid and zero-cost DNA extraction from soft-bodied insects for routine PCR-based applications
Sumit Jangra, Amalendu Ghosh
Plos One 17 (7), e0271312, 2022
Frontiers approaches to the diagnosis of thrips (thysanoptera): how effective are the molecular and electronic detection platforms?
A Ghosh, S Jangra, RG Dietzgen, WB Yeh
Insects 12 (10), 920, 2021
A century of plant virology in India
B Mandal, GP Rao, VK Baranwal, RK Jain
Springer, 2017
Highly efficient immunodiagnosis of Large cardamom chirke virus using the polyclonal antiserum against Escherichia coli expressed recombinant coat protein
S Vijayanandraj, M Yogita, A Das, A Ghosh, B Mandal
Indian Journal of Virology 24, 2013
Effect of neo-nicotinoids on bacterial symbionts and insecticide resistant gene in whitefly, Bemisia tabaci
Mritunjoy Barman, Snigdha Samanta, Himanshu Thakur, Swati Chakraborty ...
Insects 12 (Insects 2021, 12, 0., …, 2021
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Articles 1–20