Joao Paulo Kitajima
Joao Paulo Kitajima
Mendelics Análise Genômica SA
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Cited by
Comparison of the genomes of two Xanthomonas pathogens with differing host specificities
ACR da Silva, JA Ferro, FDC Reinach, CS Farah, LR Furlan, RB Quaggio, ...
Nature 417 (6887), 459-463, 2002
The genome sequence of the plant pathogen Xylella fastidiosa
AJG Simpson, FC Reinach, P Arruda, FA Abreu, M Acencio, R Alvarenga, ...
Nature 406 (6792), 151-157, 2000
The Genome of the Natural Genetic Engineer Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58
DW Wood, JC Setubal, R Kaul, DE Monks, JP Kitajima, VK Okura, Y Zhou, ...
science 294 (5550), 2317-2323, 2001
Transcriptome analysis of the acoelomate human parasite Schistosoma mansoni
S Verjovski-Almeida, R DeMarco, EAL Martins, PEM Guimarães, ...
Nature genetics 35 (2), 148-157, 2003
Comparative Genomics of Two Leptospira interrogans Serovars Reveals Novel Insights into Physiology and Pathogenesis
A Nascimento, AI Ko, EAL Martins, CB Monteiro-Vitorello, PL Ho, ...
Journal of bacteriology 186 (7), 2164-2172, 2004
Comparative Analyses of the Complete Genome Sequences of Pierce's Disease and Citrus Variegated Chlorosis Strains of Xylella fastidiosa
MA Van Sluys, MC De Oliveira, CB Monteiro-Vitorello, CY Miyaki, ...
Journal of bacteriology 185 (3), 1018-1026, 2003
Comparative genomic analysis of plant-associated bacteria
MA Van Sluys, CB Monteiro-Vitorello, LEA Camargo, CFM Menck, ...
Annual review of phytopathology 40 (1), 169-189, 2002
Brazilian coffee genome project: an EST-based genomic resource
LGE Vieira, AC Andrade, CA Colombo, AHA Moraes, Â Metha, ...
Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology 18, 95-108, 2006
The Genome Sequence of the Gram-Positive Sugarcane Pathogen Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli
CB Monteiro-Vitorello, LEA Camargo, MA Van Sluys, JP Kitajima, D Truffi, ...
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 17 (8), 827-836, 2004
Comparative Analysis of the Complete Plastid Genome Sequence of the Red Alga Gracilaria tenuistipitata var. liui Provides Insights into the Evolution of …
JC Hagopian, M Reis, JP Kitajima, D Bhattacharya, MC De Oliveira
Journal of Molecular Evolution 59, 464-477, 2004
Building the sugarcane genome for biotechnology and identifying evolutionary trends
N De Setta, CB Monteiro-Vitorello, CJ Metcalfe, GMQ Cruz, LE Del Bem, ...
BMC genomics 15, 1-18, 2014
A defect in the RNA-processing protein HNRPDL causes limb-girdle muscular dystrophy 1G (LGMD1G)
NM Vieira, MS Naslavsky, L Licinio, F Kok, D Schlesinger, M Vainzof, ...
Human molecular genetics 23 (15), 4103-4110, 2014
Structural features and transcript-editing analysis of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) chloroplast genome
T Calsa Júnior, DM Carraro, MR Benatti, AC Barbosa, JP Kitajima, ...
Current Genetics 46 (6), 366-373, 2004
Complete Genome Sequence of Sporisorium scitamineum and Biotrophic Interaction Transcriptome with Sugarcane
LM Taniguti, PDC Schaker, J Benevenuto, LP Peters, G Carvalho, ...
PloS one 10 (6), e0129318, 2015
An EST-based analysis identifies new genes and reveals distinctive gene expression features of Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora
JMC Mondego, RO Vidal, MF Carazzolle, EK Tokuda, LP Parizzi, ...
BMC plant biology 11, 1-23, 2011
Identification and Genomic Characterization of a New Virus (Tymoviridae Family) Associated with Citrus Sudden Death Disease
W Maccheroni, MC Alegria, CC Greggio, JP Piazza, RF Kamla, ...
Journal of Virology 79 (5), 3028-3037, 2005
Genomic epidemiology of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Brazil
M Giovanetti, SN Slavov, V Fonseca, E Wilkinson, H Tegally, JSL Patané, ...
Nature Microbiology 7 (9), 1490-1500, 2022
The complete nucleotide sequence and genomic organization of citrus leprosis associated virus, cytoplasmatic type (CiLV-C)
RC Pascon, JP Kitajima, MC Breton, L Assumpção, C Greggio, AS Zanca, ...
Virus Genes 32 (3), 289-298, 2006
Paralog studies augment gene discovery: DDX and DHX genes
I Paine, JE Posey, CM Grochowski, SN Jhangiani, S Rosenheck, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 105 (2), 302-316, 2019
RNAseq transcriptional profiling following whip development in sugarcane smut disease
PDC Schaker, AC Palhares, LM Taniguti, LP Peters, S Creste, KS Aitken, ...
PLoS One 11 (9), e0162237, 2016
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Articles 1–20