Neeraj Misra
Neeraj Misra
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Nearest neighbor estimates of entropy
H Singh, N Misra, V Hnizdo, A Fedorowicz, E Demchuk
American journal of mathematical and management sciences 23 (3-4), 301-321, 2003
Reliability properties of reversed residual lifetime
AK Nanda, H Singh, N Misra, P Paul
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 32 (10), 2031-2042, 2003
On redundancy allocations in systems
H Singh, N Misra
Journal of Applied Probability 31 (4), 1004-1014, 1994
On stochastic properties of m-spacings
N Misra, EC van der Meulen
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 115 (2), 683-697, 2003
Estimation of the entropy of a multivariate normal distribution
N Misra, H Singh, E Demchuk
Journal of multivariate analysis 92 (2), 324-342, 2005
Optimal allocation of active spares in series systems and comparison of component and system redundancies
N Misra, ID Dhariyal, N Gupta
Journal of Applied Probability 46 (1), 19-34, 2009
Stochastic properties of residual life and inactivity time at a random time
N Misra, N Gupta, ID Dhariyal
Stochastic Models 24 (1), 89-102, 2008
Preservation of some aging properties and stochastic orders by weighted distributions
N Misra, N Gupta, ID Dhariyal
Communications in Statistics—Theory and Methods 37 (5), 627-644, 2008
Stochastic comparisons of multivariate frailty models
N Misra, N Gupta, RD Gupta
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 139 (6), 2084-2090, 2009
On estimating the scale parameter of the selected gamma population under the scale invariant squared error loss function
N Misra, EC van der Meulen, KV Branden
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 186 (1), 268-282, 2006
Stochastic comparisons of residual lifetimes and inactivity times of coherent systems with dependent identically distributed components
N Gupta, N Misra, S Kumar
European Journal of Operational Research 240 (2), 425-430, 2015
Standby redundancy allocations in series and parallel systems
N Misra, AK Misra, ID Dhariyal
Journal of Applied Probability 48 (1), 43-55, 2011
On some inadmissibility results for the scale parameters of selected gamma populations
N Misra, EC van der Meulen, KV Branden
Journal of statistical planning and inference 136 (7), 2340-2351, 2006
On comparison of reversed hazard rates of two parallel systems comprising of independent gamma components
N Misra, AK Misra
Statistics & Probability Letters 83 (6), 1567-1570, 2013
Active redundancy allocations in series systems
N Misra, AK Misra, ID Dhariyal
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 25 (2), 219-235, 2011
Componentwise estimation of ordered parameters ofk (≥2) exponential populations
G Vijayasree, N Misra, H Singh
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 47, 287-307, 1995
Stochastic comparisons of Poisson and binomial random variables with their mixtures
N Misra, H Singh, EJ Harner
Statistics & probability letters 65 (4), 279-290, 2003
On estimating the mean of the selected normal population under the LINEX loss function
N Misra, EC Meulen
Metrika 58, 173-183, 2003
On estimation of the common mean of k (⩾ 2) normal populations with order restricted variances
N Misra, EC van der Meulen
Statistics & probability letters 36 (3), 261-267, 1997
Non-minimaxity of natural decision rules under heteroscedasticity
N Misra, ID Dhariyal
Statistics & Risk Modeling 12 (1), 79-90, 1994
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Articles 1–20