P J Rathod
P J Rathod
Other namesPankajkumar Jemalbhai Rathod, Pankaj J Rathod, Pankajkumar J Rathod
Department of Biochemistry,Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh
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Cited by
Effect of foliar spray of urea and zinc on growth and flowering attributes of guava (Psidium guajava) cv. BHAVNAGAR RED.
JM Parmar, KM Karetha, PJ Rathod
Nutritional and anti-nutritional factors present in oil seeds: An Overview
B Jithender, K U, N C, PJ Rathod
International Journal of Chemical Studies 7 (6), 1159-1165, 2019
Biochemical changes in chickpea caused by Fusarium oxysporium f. sp. ciceri.
PJ Rathod, DN Vakharia
International Journal of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 3 (12), 195-204, 2011
Development of Potato Starch Based Biodegradable Packaging Film
NJ Hirpara, MN Dabhi, PJ Rathod
Biological Forum – An International Journal 13 (1), 529-541, 2021
Determination of physical and mechanical properties of pomegranate (Var. bhagwa) fruit and aril
B Jithender, DM Vyas, S Abhisha, PJ Rathod
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 6 (10 …, 2017
Effect of enzyme pretreatment on dehulling, cooking time and protein content of pigeon pea (variety BDN2)
MN Dabhi, VP Sangani, PJ Rathod
Journal of Food Science and Technology, 1-13, 2019
Changes in the Moisture Content, Free FFA and Malondialdehyde of Bajra Flour during Storage
VM Bhatt, MN Dabhi, PJ Rathod
Advances in Food Science and Engineering 1 (2), 68-73, 2017
Quality evaluation of a jaggery prepared from developed three pan jaggery making furnace
TH Barad, VK Chandegara, PJ Rathod, MR Mori
International Journal of Chemical Studies 9 (1), 907-913, 2021
Isolation of Pectin from Kesar Mango Peel Using Cation Exchange Resin
PR Davara, MN Dabhi, PJ Rathod, H Bhatu
Advances in Food Science and Engineering 1 (1), 28-38, 2017
Effect of microwave drying on sensory attribute of coriander leaves
BC Khodifad, NK Dhamsaniya, PJ Rathod
IJCS 8 (5), 1618-1623, 2020
Pathogenesis related hydrolytic enzymes induction in response to PGPR seed priming against wilt pathogen (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri) in chickpea
UK Kandoliya, GV Marviya, PJ Rathod, DN Vakharia, BA Golakiya
Indian Journal of Agricultural Biochemistry 30 (2), 182-188, 2017
Effect of urea and zinc treatments on biochemical components of guava fruits cv. BHAVNAGAR RED.
JM Parmar, KM Karetha, PJ Rathod
Physico-chemical analysis of honey based herbal gooseberry candies
SP Cholera, MB Kapopara, PJ Rathod, S Jadav, D Pranami
IJCS 8 (2), 2501-2509, 2020
Performance evaluation of developed low‐temperature grinding mill
PS Shelake, MN Dabhi, M Sabat, PJ Rathod
Journal of Food Process Engineering 42 (8), e13290, 2019
Changes in total chlorophyll and carbohydrates in different mustard leaves infected with powdery mildew disease in both naturally infected and fungicide treated plants
PJ Rathod, PM Chatrabhuji
Nat. Products. Indian J 6, 102-106, 2010
Dhal recovery from enzyme pretreated pigeon pea cultivar GJP1
MN Dabhi, VP Sangani, PJ Rathod
Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal 20 (2), 216-225, 2018
Role of PAL and PPO Enzyme Activity in Host Pathogen interaction of Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L) Root Tissue Infected with Fusarium Wilt
PJ Rathod, DN Vakhariya
International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology 1 (4 …, 2016
Histo-pathological study in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) plant parts infected with Fusarium oxysporum f. sp ciceri
PJ Rathod, DN Vakharia, AG Vala
Int J Curr Microbiol App Sci 9, 1894-1905, 2020
Detection of Genetic Variation in Tissue Culture Clones of Date Palm using ISSR Markers
VD Thummar, RS Tomar, MV Parakhia, SM Padhiyar, PJ Rathod
IJSRD 3 (10), 37-40, 2015
Water deficit stress enhances the bioactive compounds of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) kernels at the expense of primary metabolites
MV Solanki, MK Mahatma, A Varma, LK Thawait, S Singh, CK Jangir, ...
Food Bioscience 58, 103670, 2024
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