kshirodra patra
Cited by
Cited by
Bimetallic and Plasmonic Ag–Au on TiO2 for Solar Water Splitting: An Active Nanocomposite for Entire Visible‐Light‐Region Absorption
KK Patra, CS Gopinath
ChemCatChem 8 (20), 3294-3311, 2016
Why the thin film form of a photocatalyst is better than the particulate form for direct solar-to-hydrogen conversion: a poor man's approach
N Nalajala, KK Patra, PA Bharad, CS Gopinath
RSC advances 9 (11), 6094-6100, 2019
Boosting Electrochemical CO2 Reduction to Methane via Tuning Oxygen Vacancy Concentration and Surface Termination on a Copper/Ceria Catalyst
KK Patra, Z Liu, H Lee, S Hong, H Song, HG Abbas, Y Kwon, S Ringe, ...
ACS Catalysis 12 (17), 10973-10983, 2022
Tuning the C1/C2 Selectivity of Electrochemical CO2 Reduction on Cu–CeO2 Nanorods by Oxidation State Control
S Hong, HG Abbas, K Jang, KK Patra, B Kim, BU Choi, H Song, KS Lee, ...
Advanced Materials 35 (8), 2208996, 2023
Possibly scalable solar hydrogen generation with quasi-artificial leaf approach
KK Patra, BD Bhuskute, CS Gopinath
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 6515, 2017
Operando spectroscopic investigation of a boron-doped CuO catalyst and its role in selective electrochemical C–C coupling
KK Patra, S Park, H Song, B Kim, W Kim, J Oh
ACS Applied Energy Materials 3 (11), 11343-11349, 2020
Oxidative Disproportionation of MoS2/GO to MoS2/MoO3–x/RGO : Integrated and Plasmonic 2D-Multifunctional Nanocomposites for Solar Hydrogen Generation …
KK Patra, MK Ghosalya, H Bajpai, S Raj, CS Gopinath
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (35), 21685-21693, 2019
Direct solar-to-hydrogen generation by quasi-artificial leaf approach: possibly scalable and economical device
KK Patra, PA Bharad, V Jain, CS Gopinath
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (7), 3179-3189, 2019
Harnessing Visible-Light and Limited Near-IR Photons through Plasmon Effect of Gold Nanorod with AgTiO2
KK Patra, CS Gopinath
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (2), 1206-1214, 2018
Can half-a-monolayer of Pt simulate activity like that of bulk Pt? Solar hydrogen activity demonstration with quasi-artificial leaf device
H Bajpai, KK Patra, R Ranjan, N Nalajala, KP Reddy, CS Gopinath
ACS applied materials & interfaces 12 (27), 30420-30430, 2020
CO 2 electrolysis towards large scale operation: rational catalyst and electrolyte design for efficient flow-cell
KK Patra, CS Gopinath
Chemical Communications 59 (45), 6774-6795, 2023
Nanostructured Co-doped BiVO 4 for efficient and sustainable photoelectrochemical chlorine evolution from simulated sea-water
I Chauhan, KK Patra, H Bajpai, NB Mhamane, KN Salgaonkar, ...
Dalton Transactions 52 (7), 2051-2061, 2023
Electrocatalytic Glycerol Conversion: A Low-Voltage Pathway to Efficient Carbon-Negative Green Hydrogen and Value-Added Chemical Production
I Chauhan, H Bajpai, B Ray, SK Kolekar, S Datar, KK Patra, CS Gopinath
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2024
Design of Bi-functional mixed oxide electrodes for selective oxidative C–C cleavage of glycerol to formate and synchronized green hydrogen production
A Saha, V Murugiah, R Ranjan, I Chauhan, KK Patra, H Bajpai, A Saha, ...
Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2024
ChemCatChem, 2016, 8, 3294–3301;(c) KK Patra, BD Bhuskute and CS Gopinath
KK Patra
Sci. Rep 7, 6516, 2017
Tuning the C1/C2 Selectivity of Electrochemical CO2 Reduction on Cu–CeO2 Nanorods by Oxidation State Control (Adv. Mater. 8/2023)
S Hong, HG Abbas, K Jang, KK Patra, B Kim, BU Choi, H Song, KS Lee, ...
Advanced Materials 35 (8), 2370051, 2023
Electrocatalytic and Selective Oxidation of Glycerol to Formate on 2D 3d-Metal Phosphate Nanosheets and Carbon-Negative Hydrogen Generation
I Chauhan, PM Vijay, R Ranjan, KK Patra, CS Gopinath
ACS Materials Au, 2024
Morphology Evolution of CuO Supported on CeO2 and Its Role in Electrochemical CO2 Reduction
S Hong, KK Patra, J Oh
JOM, 1-10, 2024
rsc. li/chemcomm
KK Patra, CS Gopinath, Y Komoto, J Ryu, M Taniguchi
Chem. Commun 59, 6837, 2023
Role of surface plasmon resonance in solar light harvesting
KK Patra
CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, 2017
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Articles 1–20