Arkal Vittal Hegde
Arkal Vittal Hegde
Department of Applied Mechanics & Hydraulics, NITK, Surathkal, Mangaluru, India
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A review of quality metrics for fused image
P Jagalingam, AV Hegde
Aquatic Procedia 4, 133-142, 2015
Bathymetry mapping using Landsat 8 satellite imagery
P Jagalingam, BJ Akshaya, AV Hegde
Procedia Engineering 116, 560-566, 2015
Coastal erosion and mitigation methods–Global state of art
AV Hegde
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2010
Evaluation of pan-sharpening methods for spatial and spectral quality
J Pushparaj, AV Hegde
Applied Geomatics 9, 1-12, 2017
Shoreline transformation study of Karnataka coast: geospatial approach
AV Hegde, BJ Akshaya
Aquatic Procedia 4, 151-156, 2015
Genetic algorithm based support vector machine regression in predicting wave transmission of horizontally interlaced multi-layer moored floating pipe breakwater
SG Patil, S Mandal, AV Hegde
Advances in Engineering Software 45 (1), 203-212, 2012
Neuro-fuzzy based approach for wave transmission prediction of horizontally interlaced multilayer moored floating pipe breakwater
SG Patil, S Mandal, AV Hegde, S Alavandar
Ocean Engineering 38 (1), 186-196, 2011
Estimation of bathymetry along the coast of Mangaluru using Landsat-8 imagery
J Pushparaj, AV Hegde
The International Journal of Ocean and Climate Systems 8 (2), 71-83, 2017
GIS based approach for vulnerability assessment of the Karnataka coast, India
A Beluru Jana, AV Hegde
Advances in Civil Engineering 2016 (1), 5642523, 2016
Performance characteristics of horizontal interlaced multilayer moored floating pipe breakwater
AV Hegde, K Kamath, AS Magadum
Journal of waterway, port, coastal, and ocean engineering 133 (4), 275-285, 2007
Mooring forces in horizontal interlaced moored floating pipe breakwater with three layers
AV Hegde, K Kamath, JC Deepak
Ocean Engineering 35 (1), 165-173, 2008
Comparison of various pan-sharpening methods using Quickbird-2 and Landsat-8 imagery
J Pushparaj, AV Hegde
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 10, 1-17, 2017
Wave-Structure Interaction for Submerged Quarter-Circle Breakwaters of Different Radii-Reflection Characteristics
AV Hegde, L Ravikiran
International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering 7 (7), 1574 …, 2013
Runup and rundown characteristics of an emerged seaside perforated quarter circle breakwater
S Binumol, S Rao, AV Hegde
Aquatic procedia 4, 234-239, 2015
Pixel level image fusion—a review on various techniques
P Jagalingam, AV Hegde
3rd World Conf. on Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 2014
Computational intelligence on hydrodynamic performance characteristics of emerged perforated quarter circle breakwater
B Raju, AV Hegde, O Chandrashekar
Procedia Engineering 116, 118-124, 2015
Short-term and long-term geomorphological dynamics of Mangalore spits using IRS-1A/1C data
AV Hegde, B Raveendra
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 28, 233-247, 2000
Current approaches of artificial intelligence in breakwaters-A review
S Kundapura, AV Hegde
Ocean Systems Engineering 7 (2), 75-87, 2017
Numerical modeling of oil spill movement along north-west coast of India using GNOME
R Remyalekshmi, AV Hegde
The International Journal of Ocean and Climate Systems 4 (1), 75-86, 2013
Application of Neural Networks in coastal engineering-An overview
S Mandal, SG Patil, YR Manjunatha, AV Hegde
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Articles 1–20