Kasi Rajgopal
Kasi Rajgopal
Professor, Signal Processing, Indian Institute of Science
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Detection of edges from projections
N Srinivasa, KR Ramakrishnan, K Rajgopal
IEEE Transactions on medical imaging 11 (1), 76-80, 1992
Vector-extrapolated fast maximum likelihood estimation algorithms for emission tomography
N Rajeevan, K Rajgopal, G Krishna
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 11 (1), 9-20, 1992
Two-dimensional spectral estimation: A Radon transform approach
N Srinivasa, K Ramakrishnan, K Rajgopal
IEEE journal of oceanic engineering 12 (1), 90-96, 1987
Image reconstruction from incomplete projection data: A linear prediction approach
K Rajgopal, N Srinivasa, KR Ramakrishnan
Medical Imaging Systems Techniques and Applications Modalities, 281-328, 1997
FDK‐Type Algorithms with No Backprojection Weight for Circular and Helical Scan CT
AV Narasimhadhan, K Rajgopal
International Journal of Biomedical Imaging 2012 (1), 969432, 2012
Estimation of missing data using windowed linear prediction in laterally truncated projections in cone-beam CT
KP Anoop, K Rajgopal
2007 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2007
ECG compression using wavelet transform
RVS Sastry, K Rajgopal
Proceedings of the First Regional Conference, IEEE Engineering in Medicine …, 1995
On two-dimensional maximum entropy spectral estimation
N Srinivasa, KR Ramakrishnan, K Rajgopal
IEEE Transactions on signal processing 40 (1), 241-244, 1992
Image reconstruction from incomplete projection
N Srinivasa, KR Ramakrishnan, K Rajgopal
J Med Life Sci Eng 14, 1-19, 1997
A delayless adaptive IFIR filterbank structure for wideband and narrowband active noise control
K Rajgopal, S Venkataraman
Signal processing 86 (11), 3421-3431, 2006
Multi-pitch tracking using Gaussian mixture model with time varying parameters and grating compression transform
MN Abhijith, PK Ghosh, K Rajgopal
2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2014
Adaptive cascade and feedback compensators for stable minimum and non-minimum phase plants through refined time moments estimators
K Rajagopal, HN Shankar
Intl. Conf. on Communications, Control & Signal Processing (CCSP-2000), IEEE …, 2000
FDK algorithms with no backprojection weight
AV Narasimhadhan, KP Anoop, K Rajgopal
Proceedings of the 10th Fully 3D Meeting and 2nd HPIR Workshop 10, 158-161, 2009
An algorithm for computing the discrete Radon transform with some applications
GR Ramesh, N Srinivasa, K Rajgopal
Fourth IEEE Region 10 International Conference TENCON, 78-81, 1989
Adaptive variable density sampling based on Knapsack problem for fast MRI
C Krishna, K Rajgopal
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information …, 2015
Image reconstruction with laterally truncated projections in helical cone-beam CT: Linear prediction based projection completion techniques
KP Anoop, K Rajgopal
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 33 (4), 283-294, 2009
A wavelet based Teager energy operator for spike detection in microelectrode array recordings
N Nabar, K Rajgopal
TENCON 2009-2009 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 1-6, 2009
Binary image compression using the radon transform
GR Ramesh, K Rajgopal
ACE'90. Proceedings of [XVI Annual Convention and Exhibition of the IEEE In …, 1991
A delayless IFIR adaptive filter structure with adapted filterbank
K. Rajgopal
TENCON 2003. Conference on Convergent Technologies for the Asia-Pacific …, 2003
Artificial bee colony (ABC) based variable density sampling scheme for CS-MRI
AK Jagadish, S Goswami, P Saha, S Chakrabarty, K Rajgopal
2016 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 1254-1257, 2016
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Articles 1–20