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Vapor mediated control of microscale flow in sessile droplets
O Hegde, S Chakraborty, P Kabi, S Basu
Physics of Fluids 30 (12), 2018
Multiscale vapor-mediated dendritic pattern formation and bacterial aggregation in complex respiratory biofluid droplets
O Hegde, R Chatterjee, A Rasheed, D Chakravortty, S Basu
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 606, 2011-2023, 2022
Physics of self-assembly and morpho-topological changes of Klebsiella pneumoniae in desiccating sessile droplets
A Rasheed, O Hegde, R Chatterjee, SR Sampathirao, D Chakravortty, ...
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 629, 620-631, 2023
Controlling self-assembly and buckling in nano fluid droplets through vapour mediated interaction of adjacent droplets
O Hegde, P Kabi, S Agarwal, S Basu
Journal of colloid and interface science 541, 348-355, 2019
Universal spatio-topological control of crystallization in sessile droplets using non-intrusive vapor mediation
O Hegde, A Chattopadhyay, S Basu
Physics of Fluids 33 (1), 2021
Malleable patterns from the evaporation of a colloidal liquid bridge: coffee ring to the scallop shell
A Chattopadhyay, SR Sampathirao, O Hegde, S Basu
Langmuir 38 (18), 5590-5602, 2022
Spatio-temporal modulation of self-assembled central aggregates of buoyant colloids in sessile droplets using vapor mediated interactions
O Hegde, S Basu
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 598, 136-146, 2021
Enhancement of mixing in a viscous, non-volatile droplet using a contact-free vapor-mediated interaction
O Hegde, P Kabi, S Basu
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22 (26), 14570-14578, 2020
Competition between self-assembly and phase separation induces re-entrant condensation of DNA liquids
O Hegde, T Li, A Sharma, M Borja, WM Jacobs, WB Rogers
Vapor mediation as a tool to control micro-nano scale dendritic crystallization and preferential bacterial distribution in drying respiratory droplets
O Hegde, R Chatterjee, A Rasheed, D Chakravortty, S Basu
bioRxiv, 2021.06. 18.448992, 2021
Competition between self-assembly and phase separation governs high-temperature condensation of a DNA liquid
O Hegde, T Li, A Sharma, M Borja, WM Jacobs, WB Rogers
Physical review letters 132 (20), 208401, 2024
Re-entrant condensation of DNA due to the competition between self-assembly and phase separation
O Hegde, T Li, M Borja, A Sharma, W Jacobs, WB Rogers
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2023, Z16. 009, 2023
Self-Assembly and Morpho-Topological Changes of Klebsiella Pneumoniae in drying droplets
A Rasheed, O Hegde, R Chatterjee, S Sampathirao, S Basu
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 67, 2022
Vapor Mediated Interaction in Droplets
OR Hegde
Convolution Neural Networks for Point-of-Care Diagnostics of Bacterial Infections in Blood
O Hegde, R Chatterjee, D Roy, V Jaiswal, D Chakravortty, S Basu
medRxiv, 2022.01. 03.22268712, 2022
Self-Assembly and dis-assembly in evaporating functional droplets : Make it or Break it
SB Omkar Hegde
nanoGe Spring Meeting 2021 (NSM21), 2021
Spatio-topological regulation of multiscale dendritic patterns and bacterial aggregation in respiratory droplets using vapor mediated interactions
O Hegde, S Basu
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, N01. 074, 2021
Mixing of Dye in Micro-Liter Sessile Glycerol Droplets via Vapor Mediated Interactions
O Hegde, S Basu
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, M04. 033, 2019
Vapour mediated control of self assembly in droplets
PK O Hegde, S Basu
Droplets 2019, 2019
Enhancement of Mixing in µ-liter Sessile Droplets through Vapor Mediated Interactions
O Hegde, S Chakraborty, S Basu
COMPFLU-2018 (POSTER) 206 (12), 1, 2018
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Articles 1–20