Abhijit Kalbhor
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Cited by
Effects of hydrogen enrichment and water vapour dilution on soot formation in laminar ethylene counterflow flames
A Kalbhor, J van Oijen
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 45 (43), 23653-23673, 2020
An assessment of the sectional soot model and FGM tabulated chemistry coupling in laminar flame simulations
A Kalbhor, J van Oijen
Combustion and Flame 229, 111381, 2021
Effects of curvature on soot formation in steady and unsteady counterflow diffusion flames
A Kalbhor, J van Oijen
Combustion and Flame 241 (112108), 2022
A computationally efficient approach for soot modeling with discrete sectional method and FGM chemistry
A Kalbhor, D Mira, J van Oijen
Combustion and Flame 225, 112868, 2023
Experimental and numerical investigation on soot formation and evolution of particle size distribution in laminar counterflow ethylene flames
A Kalbhor, R Schmitz, A Ramirez, P Vlavakis, FP Hagen, F Ferraro, ...
Combustion and Flame 260, 113220, 2024
Investigation of soot formation in n-dodecane spray flames using LES and a discrete sectional method
H Bao, A Kalbhor, N Maes, B Somers, J Van Oijen
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2), 2587-2597, 2023
LES investigation of soot formation in a turbulent non-premixed jet flame with sectional method and FGM chemistry
A Kalbhor, D Mira, A Both, J van Oijen
Combustion and Flame 259, 113128, 2024
LES of a pressurized sooting aero-engine model burner using a computationally efficient discrete sectional method coupled to tabulated chemistry
JM García-Oliver, JM Pastor, I Olmeda, A Kalbhor, D Mira, JA van Oijen
Combustion and Flame 260, 113198, 2024
Computationally efficient integration of a sectional soot model with FGM chemistry
A Kalbhor, D Mira, J van Oijen
18th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, 2022
Model development and numerical investigation of soot formation in combustion
A Kalbhor
Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), 2023
LES study of soot formation in turbulent non-premixed flame with sectional method
A Kalbhor, D Mira, J van Oijen
Combura 2022 Symposium, NVV 2022, 2022
Autoignition of hydrogen in shear flows
A Kalbhor, S Chaudhuri, L Chitilappilly
Physics of Fluids 30 (5), 2018
Analysis of soot formation in a lab-scale Rich-Quench-Lean combustor using LES with tabulated chemistry
L Pachano, A Kalbhor, D Mira, J van Oijen
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 40 (1-4), 105451, 2024
Modeling soot formation in normal and inverse diffusion flames using FGM chemistry and sectional method
A Kalbhor, JA van Oijen
12th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, MCS 12, 2023
Effects of flame curvature on soot formation in SF and SFO counterflow diffusion flames
A Kalbhor, J van Oijen
13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Abu Dhabi, 2021
Modeling soot formation in burner-stabilized stagnation flames
A Kalbhor, J van Oijen
Combura, 2021
Effects of preferential diffusion on soot modeling with the sectional method and FGM tabulated chemistry
A Kalbhor, J van Oijen
10th European Combustion Meeting, Napoli, Italy (Virtual), 2021
Assessment of a sectional model for soot formation in laminar flames: sensitivity to model parameters, and application to practical fuels
A Kalbhor, J van Oijen
Combura 2019 Symposium, NVV 2019, 2019
Hydrogen jet autoignition in a co-flow and in a wake of heated air
A Kalbhor, S Chaudhuri, L Chitilappilly
5th International Conference on Computational Methods for Thermal Problems …, 2018
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Articles 1–19