T. Warren Liao
Cited by
Cited by
Clustering of time series data—a survey
TW Liao
Pattern recognition 38 (11), 1857-1874, 2005
Automatic identification of different types of welding defects in radiographic images
G Wang, TW Liao
Ndt & E International 35 (8), 519-528, 2002
Similarity measures for retrieval in case-based reasoning systems
TW Liao, Z Zhang, CR Mount
Applied Artificial Intelligence 12 (4), 267-288, 1998
Two hybrid differential evolution algorithms for engineering design optimization
TW Liao
Applied Soft Computing 10 (4), 1188-1199, 2010
A new age-based replenishment policy for supply chain inventory optimization of highly perishable products
Q Duan, TW Liao
International journal of production economics 145 (2), 658-671, 2013
Medical data mining by fuzzy modeling with selected features
SN Ghazavi, TW Liao
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 43 (3), 195-206, 2008
CLPS-GA: A case library and Pareto solution-based hybrid genetic algorithm for energy-aware cloud service scheduling
F Tao, Y Feng, L Zhang, TW Liao
Applied Soft Computing 19, 264-279, 2014
Optimization of blood supply chain with shortened shelf lives and ABO compatibility
Q Duan, TW Liao
International journal of production economics 153, 113-129, 2014
Metaheuristics for project and construction management–A state-of-the-art review
TW Liao, PJ Egbelu, BR Sarker, SS Leu
Automation in construction 20 (5), 491-505, 2011
Surface/subsurface damage and the fracture strength of ground ceramics
K Li, TW Liao
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 57 (3-4), 207-220, 1996
An automated radiographic NDT system for weld inspection: Part II—Flaw detection
TW Liao, Y Li
Ndt & E International 31 (3), 183-192, 1998
Simultaneous dock assignment and sequencing of inbound trucks under a fixed outbound truck schedule in multi-door cross docking operations
TW Liao, PJ Egbelu, PC Chang
International Journal of Production Economics 141 (1), 212-229, 2013
A fuzzy multicriteria decision-making method for material selection
TW Liao
Journal of manufacturing systems 15 (1), 1-12, 1996
Prediction of tensile strength of friction stir weld joints with adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and neural network
MW Dewan, DJ Huggett, TW Liao, MA Wahab, AM Okeil
Materials & Design 92, 288-299, 2016
Classification of welding flaw types with fuzzy expert systems
TW Liao
Expert systems with applications 25 (1), 101-111, 2003
Combining SOM and fuzzy rule base for flow time prediction in semiconductor manufacturing factory
PC Chang, TW Liao
Applied Soft Computing 6 (2), 198-206, 2006
A wavelet-based methodology for grinding wheel condition monitoring
TW Liao, CF Ting, J Qu, PJ Blau
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 47 (3-4), 580-592, 2007
A neural network approach for grinding processes: modelling and optimization
TW Liao, LJ Chen
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 34 (7), 919-937, 1994
An automated radiographic NDT system for weld inspection: Part I—Weld extraction
TW Liao, J Ni
Ndt & E International 29 (3), 157-162, 1996
Feature extraction and selection from acoustic emission signals with an application in grinding wheel condition monitoring
TW Liao
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 23 (1), 74-84, 2010
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Articles 1–20