Bijoy Kumar Kuanr
Bijoy Kumar Kuanr
JNU, Delhi, University of Colorado, USA & Research Center Jülich, Germany
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Cited by
Nonreciprocal microwave devices based on magnetic nanowires
BK Kuanr, V Veerakumar, R Marson, SR Mishra, RE Camley, Z Celinski
Applied Physics Letters 94 (20), 2009
Dispersion observed in electrical properties of titanium‐substituted lithium ferrites
BK Kuanr, GP Srivastava
Journal of Applied Physics 75 (10), 6115-6117, 1994
Magnetic and crystallographic properties of rare-earth substituted Yttrium-Iron Garnet
BKK Vinay Sharma
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018
Tunable high-frequency band-stop magnetic filters
B Kuanr, Z Celinski, RE Camley
Applied Physics Letters 83 (19), 3969-3971, 2003
Exchange bias of NiO/NiFe: Linewidth broadening and anomalous spin-wave damping
BK Kuanr, RE Camley, Z Celinski
Journal of applied physics 93 (10), 7723-7725, 2003
Extrinsic contribution to Gilbert damping in sputtered NiFe films by ferromagnetic resonance
BK Kuanr, RE Camley, Z Celinski
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 286, 276-281, 2005
Spin waves in magnetic double layers with strong antiferromagnetic interlayer exchange coupling: Theory and experiment
M Buchmeier, BK Kuanr, RR Gareev, DE Bürgler, P Grünberg
Physical Review B 67 (18), 184404, 2003
Narrowing of the frequency-linewidth in structured magnetic strips: Experiment and theory
B Kuanr, RE Camley, Z Celinski
Applied Physics Letters 87 (1), 2005
High-frequency signal processing using magnetic layered structures
RE Camley, Z Celinski, T Fal, AV Glushchenko, AJ Hutchison, ...
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 321 (14), 2048-2054, 2009
Localized cancer treatment by radio-frequency hyperthermia using magnetic nanoparticles immobilized on graphene oxide: from novel synthesis to in vitro studies
R Kumar, A Chauhan, SK Jha, BK Kuanr
Journal of Materials Chemistry B 6 (33), 5385-5399, 2018
Synthesis and characterization of yttrium iron garnet (YIG) nanoparticles - Microwave material
V Sharma, J Saha, S Patnaik, BK Kuanr
AIP Advances 7 (5), 056405, 2017
Nonlinear ferromagnetic resonance in permalloy films: A nonmonotonic power-dependent frequency shift
Y Khivintsev, B Kuanr, TJ Fal, M Haftel, RE Camley, Z Celinski, DL Mills
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (5), 054436, 2010
High-frequency magnetic microstrip local bandpass filters
BK Kuanr, DL Marvin, TM Christensen, RE Camley, Z Celinski
Applied Physics Letters 87 (22), 2005
Relaxation in epitaxial Fe films measured by ferromagnetic resonance
BK Kuanr, RE Camley, Z Celinski
Journal of applied physics 95 (11), 6610-6612, 2004
Iron and Permalloy based magnetic monolithic tunable microwave devices
B Kuanr, L Malkinski, RE Camley, Z Celinski, P Kabos
Journal of applied physics 93 (10), 8591-8593, 2003
Swept-frequency FMR on Fe/Cr/Fe trilayer ultrathin films; microwave giant magnetoresistance
BK Kuanr, AV Kuanr, P Grünberg, G Nimtz
Physics Letters A 221 (3-4), 245-252, 1996
High-frequency signal processing using ferromagnetic metals
B Kuanr, IR Harward, DL Marvin, T Fal, RE Camley, DL Mills, Z Celinski
IEEE transactions on magnetics 41 (10), 3538-3543, 2005
YIG based broad band microwave absorber: a perspective on synthesis methods
V Sharma, J Saha, S Patnaik, BK Kuanr
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2017
Gigahertz frequency tunable noise suppressor using nickel nanorod arrays and Permalloy films
BK Kuanr, R Marson, SR Mishra, AV Kuanr, RE Camley, ZJ Celinski
Journal of Applied Physics 105 (7), 2009
New opportunities in microwave electronics with ferromagnetic nanowires
M Sharma, BK Kuanr, M Sharma, A Basu
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (17), 2014
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Articles 1–20