Sandhya R. Mahapatro
Sandhya R. Mahapatro
Associate Professor, Population Studies,Nabakrushna Choudhary Centre for Development Studies, BBSR
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Remittances and household expenditure patterns in India and selected states
S Mahapatro, A Bailey, KS James, I Hutter
Migration and Development 6 (1), 83-101, 2017
Utilization of maternal and child health care services in India: does women's autonomy matter?
SR Mahapatro
Journal of Family Welfare 59 (1), 2013
The changing pattern of internal migration in India
SR Mahapatro
European Population Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 2012
Patterns and determinants of female migration in India: Insights from census
SR Mahapatro
Workin Paper, ISEC, 2010
Does employment related Migration reduces Poverty in India
AKSBM Sanjay K. Mohanty, Sandhya Rani Mohapatra, Anshul Kastor
Journal of International Migration & Integration 17 (3), 761-784, 2016
Intersection of class, caste, gender and unmet healthcare needs in India: Implications for health policy
SR Mahapatro, KS James, US Mishra
Health Policy OPEN 2, 100040, 2021
How effective health insurance schemes are in tackling economic burden of healthcare in India
SR Mahapatro, P Singh, Y Singh
Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 6 (2), 75-82, 2018
Assessing socioeconomic vulnerabilities related to COVID-19 risk in India: a state-level analysis
PK Pathak, Y Singh, SR Mahapatro, N Tripathi, J Jee
Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 16 (2), 590-603, 2022
Declining Trends in Female Labour Force Participation in India: Evidence from NSSO
SR Mahapatro
Munich Personal RePEc Archive, MPRA Paper No.44373., 2013
Contemporary patterns and issues of internal migration in India: Evidence from NSSO
S Mahapatro
KNOWMAD conference on Internal Migration and Urbanization, Dhaka, May 1st, 2014
Changing gender relations and its influence on female migration decision in India
SR Mahapatro
The Pakistan Development Review, 69-88, 2013
Why Do they Remit?Examining Factors Influencing Migrant Remittances in India"
SR Mahapatro
Journal of Development Policy and Practice 2 (2), 2017
Female Employment in India: Determinants of Choice of Sector Activity
S Mahapatro
Journal of Economic Studies 46 (3), 2019
Internal migration: Emerging patterns
SR Mahapatro
Handbook of internal migration in India, 80-92, 2020
Changing trends in female labour force participation in India: An age-period-cohort analysis
SR Mahapatro
Indian Journal of Human Development 7 (1), 83-107, 2013
Socioeconomic inequality in healthcare utilization in India: is health insurance a way out?
SR Mahapatro
Impact of labour migration on socioeconomic position of left-behind women in Bihar
SR Mahapatro
The Indian Journal of Labour Economics 61 (4), 701-718, 2018
International migration, remittances and household development in india: A comparative perspective of northern & southern regions
SR Mahapatro
Social Science Spectrum 4 (2), 94-105, 2019
Changing pattern of Internal Migration in India, 1999/00-2007/08: Issues and challenges
SR Mahapatro
Indian Economic joournal 61 (1), 2013
Inequality in healthcare access at the intersection of caste and gender
S Ahmed, S Mahapatro
Contemporary Voice of Dalit 15 (1_suppl), S75-S85, 2023
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Articles 1–20