Saravanakumar Kasimedu
Saravanakumar Kasimedu
Other namesSaravanakumar K
Seven Hills College of Pharmacy
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A review on microsphere for novel drug delivery system.
CSKB Saravanakumar K, Jayachandra Reddy P
Journal of Pharmacy Research 5 (1), 420-424, 2012
Effect of Sodium Alginate in Combination with Natural and Synthetic Polymers on the Release of Verapamil HCL from its Floating Microspheres
MI Saravanakumar K, Ashok Thulluru , Ramu Samineni
J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. 11 (5), 2028-2035, 2019
Optimization of HPMC K100M and Sodium Alginate Ratio in Metronidazole Floating Tablets for the Effective Eradication of Helicobacter pylori
SK Ashok Thulluru, Nawaz Mahammed
Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 9 (3), 1-8, 2019
Pharmacognostic properties and analgesic activity studies of Abrus precatorius leaves
P Nagaveni, K Saravana Kumar, Y Ramesh, CN Ramesh
JITPS 3 (1), 18-23, 2012
Formulation and evaluation of floating drug delivery of cefotaxime using raft forming approach
SV Ramesh Y, Venkata Prasad P, Saravanakumar K
Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics 7 (4), 110-119, 2017
A review on solubility enhancement techniques
NP Saravanakumar K, Sanjeev Rao T
Journal of Comprehensive Pharmacy 2 (2), 36-41, 2015
Preparation and evaluation of Quetiapine fumarate microspheres
RY Viswanatha Reddy M, Saravanakumar K
Journal of Pharmacy Research 4 (11), 4164-4166, 2011
Validated RP-HPLC method for the quantification of anidulafungin in bulk sample and parenteral dosage form and its application to forced degradation studies in bulk sample
M Lohita, K Swetha, PJ Preethi, K Saravanakumar, D Naresh
J Glob Trends Pharm Sci 5, 1719-28, 2014
Development and Validation of Stability Indicating RP-HPLC Method for Quantitative Estimation of Safinamide Mesylate in Bulk and its Tablet Dosage Form
SSV Madhu Medabalimi, Saravanakumar K*
YMER 21 (11), 50-59, 2022
Pharmacognostic evaluation and free radical scavenging activity of Bombax ceiba leaf extracts
CSKB Radhika Chikatipalli, Saravanakumar K
International Journal of Green Pharmacy 15 (1), 59-65, 2021
A Piroxicam Inclusion Complexation for Solubility Enhancement: Design and Development
DSRM  Saravanakumar Kasimbedu*, Shilpaja Chella, Bharathi T, Nagaveni Pommala
J Young Pharm 14 (2), 192-197, 2022
Effect of Enzyme Dependent Polymers on the Release Profile of Press Coated Esmeprazole Colon Targeted Tablets
SK Ashok Thulluru, Nawaz Mahammed
Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 13 (12), 6186-6194, 2020
Formulation Development and Characterization of Meloxicam Cationic Nanoparticles
JPP Saravanakumar K*, Ashok Thulluru
J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. 12 (4), 488-491, 2020
. A novel approach of fast dissolving films: A review
JKK Ramesh B, Saravanakumar K
International Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Research 2 (5), 740-748, 2014
A review on floating drug delivery systems.
NP Vivek Kumar P, Saravanakumar K
International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 5 (3), 193-199, 2014
Design, Development and characterisation of mucoadhesive microsphere of Naproxen sodium by HPMC K15M as polymer
CSKB Saravanakumar K, Jayachandra Reddy P
Journal of Pharmacy Research 4 (11), 3943-3947, 2011
UPLC Method Development And Validation For The Simultaneous Estimation Of Cytarabine And Daunorubicin In Pharmaceutical Dosage Form
M Medabalimi, S Kasimedu, SV Satyanarayana
Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 7816-7825, 2022
Gastro-retentive drug delivery systems: a review with focus on floating drug delivery systems
CSKB Durga Srinivasarao M, Saravanakumar K
International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 12 (2), 1330-1337, 2021
Combination Effect of Natural and Synthetic Polymers in Extending the Release of Tolperisone HCl from its Effervescent Floating Tablets
KBC Saravanakumar K*, Durga Srinivasa Rao M
Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 14 (1), 171-178, 2021
Anti-Arthritic Activity of Amaranthus Roxburghianus Nevski Hydroalcoholic Areal Plant Extract In Acute And Chronic Models in Albino Wistar Rats
CSKB Saravanakumar K, Radhika Chikatipalli
Asian J Pharm Clin Res 13 (6), 111-115, 2020
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Articles 1–20