Kevin V. Alex
Kevin V. Alex
Other namesKevin Varghese Alex
Scientist (Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow), Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
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Cited by
Green synthesized Ag nanoparticles for bio-sensing and photocatalytic applications
K Varghese Alex, P Tamil Pavai, R Rugmini, M Shiva Prasad, K Kamakshi, ...
ACS omega 5 (22), 13123-13129, 2020
Charge Coupling Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of BaTiO3/MoO3 Heterostructures
KV Alex, A Prabhakaran, AR Jayakrishnan, K Kamakshi, JPB Silva, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (43), 40114-40124, 2019
Composition-dependent xBa (Zr0. 2Ti0. 8) O3-(1-x)(Ba0. 7Ca0. 3) TiO3 bulk ceramics for high energy storage applications
AR Jayakrishnan, KV Alex, A Thomas, JPB Silva, K Kamakshi, N Dabra, ...
Ceramics International 45 (5), 5808-5818, 2019
Enhancing the dielectric relaxor behavior and energy storage properties of 0.6Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3–0.4(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 ceramics through the incorporation of paraelectric …
AR Jayakrishnan, KV Alex, K Kamakshi, JPB Silva, KC Sekhar, ...
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 30, 19374-19382, 2019
Substrate temperature induced effect on microstructure, optical and photocatalytic activity of ultrasonic spray pyrolysis deposited MoO3 thin films
KV Alex, AR Jayakrishnan, AS Ibrahim, K Kamakshi, JPB Silva, ...
Materials Research Express 6 (6), 066421, 2019
Barium‐doped zinc oxide thin films as highly efficient and reusable photocatalysts
AR Jayakrishnan, KV Alex, AT Tharakan, K Kamakshi, JPB Silva, ...
ChemistrySelect 5 (9), 2824-2834, 2020
Effect of the thickness on the photocatalytic and the photocurrent properties of ZnO films deposited by spray pyrolysis
AS Ibrahim, KV Alex, MB Latha, K Kamakshi, S Sathish, JPB Silva, ...
Discover Materials 2 (1), 10, 2022
Highly Sensitive, Cost‐Effective, and Flexible SERS Substrate Based on Green Synthesized GO/rGO for Pesticide Detection
Gokulakrishnan, KV Alex, KC Sekhar, K Koppole
ChemistrySelect 7 (20), e202200348, 2022
Ternary Heterostructures Based on BaTiO3/MoO3/Ag for Highly Efficient and Reusable Photocatalytic Applications
KV Alex, JPB Silva, K Kamakshi, KC Sekhar
Advanced Materials Interfaces 10 (25), 2201948, 2023
Automobile exhaust nanocatalysts
KV Alex, K Kamakshi, JPB Silva, S Sathish, KC Sekhar
Nanotechnology in the Automotive Industry, 529-560, 2022
Structural, optical and photocatalytic properties of mixed phase MoO3 thin film deposited by spray technique
KV Alex, A Govind, AS Ibrahim, KC Sekhar
AIP Conference Proceedings 2082 (1), 2019
Electrocatalysis by Graphene Materials
KV Alex, J Gokulakrishnan, K Kamakshi, JPB Silva, S Sathish
Graphene-based Carbocatalysts: Synthesis, Properties and Applications, 50, 2023
Optical properties of flexible ceramic films
S Angitha, KV Alex, JPB Silva, KC Sekhar, M Tasneem, K Kamakshi
Advanced Flexible Ceramics, 129-168, 2023
Development of Highly Efficient Photocatalysts Based on Semiconductor Ferroelectric and Plasmonic Heterostructures
KV Alex
Neelakudi, 0
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Articles 1–14