Pravin Henriques
Pravin Henriques
Associate professor, St. Xavier's College, Mumbai
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Cited by
Benthic foraminifera as proxy for oxygen-depleted conditions off the central west coast of India
R Nigam, A Mazumder, PJ Henriques, R Saraswat
The Geological Society of India, 2007
Late Holocene changes in hypoxia off the west coast of India: Micropalaeontological evidences
R Nigam, V Prasad, A Mazumder, R Garg, R Saraswat, PJ Henriques
Current Science, 708-713, 2009
Foraminiferal studies in nearshore regions of western coast of India and Laccadives Islands: A review
SN Bhalla, N Khare, DH Shanmukha, PJ Henriques
CSIR, 2007
Distribution of benthic foraminifera within oxygen minima zone, off central west coast, India
A Mazumder, PJ Henriques, R Nigam
Gondwana Geological Society, 2003
Deterioration of Early Holocene coral reef due to sea level rise along west coast of India: Benthic foraminiferal testimony
A Mazumder, R Nigam, PJ Henriques
Geoscience Frontiers 3 (5), 697-705, 2012
Barnacle fouling on relict foraminiferal specimens from the western continental margin of India: an indicator of paleosea-level
R Nigam, PJ Henriques, AB Wagh
Continental shelf research 13 (2-3), 279-286, 1993
Distribution of Foraminifera in Surface Sediments off Central (Vengurla-Mangalore) West Coast of India and its Paleoenvironmental Significance
PJ Henriques
Goa University, 1993
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Articles 1–7