Abhishek Sharma
Abhishek Sharma
Other namesA. Sharma
Postdoctoral Fellow, Stevens Institute of Technology; International Associate, NIST
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Cited by
Wideband multiple‐input–multiple‐output dielectric resonator antenna
A Sharma, A Biswas
IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation 11 (4), 496-502, 2017
Composite right/left-handed based compact and high gain leaky-wave antenna using complementary spiral resonator on HMSIW for Ku band applications
A Sarkar, M Adhikary, A Sharma, A Biswas, MJ Akhtar, Z Hu
IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation 12 (8), 1310-1315, 2018
A‐shaped wideband dielectric resonator antenna for wireless communication systems and its MIMO implementation
A Sharma, A Sarkar, A Biswas, MJ Akhtar
International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer‐Aided Engineering 28 (8 …, 2018
Compact CRLH Leaky-Wave Antenna Using TE 20-Mode Substrate-Integrated Waveguide for Broad Space Radiation Coverage
A Sarkar, A Sharma, A Biswas, MJ Akhtar
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 68 (10), 7202-7207, 2020
Single‐feed cross‐slot loaded compact circularly polarized microstrip antenna for indoor WLAN applications
S Kumar, BK Kanaujia, A Sharma, MK Khandelwal, AK Gautam
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 56 (6), 1313-1317, 2014
SIW-Based Quad-Beam Leaky-Wave Antenna With Polarization Diversity for Four-Quadrant Scanning Applications
A Sarkar, S Mukherjee, A Sharma, A Biswas, MJ Akhtar
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 66 (8), 3918-3925, 2018
EMSIW-Based Compact High Gain Wide Full Space Scanning LWA With Improved Broadside Radiation Profile
A Sarkar, A Sharma, A Biswas, MJ Akhtar
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 67 (8), 5652-5657, 2019
SIW fed MIMO DRA for future 5G applications
A Sharma, A Sarkar, M Adhikary, A Biswas, MJ Akhtar
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI …, 2017
Bi-directional SIW leaky-wave antenna using TE20 mode for frequency beam scanning
A Sarkar, A Sharma, M Adhikary, A Biswas, MJ Akhtar
Electronics Letters 53 (15), 1017-1019, 2017
Dual-band multiple-input multiple-output antenna based on half split cylindrical dielectric resonator
A Sharma, A Sarkar, A Biswas, MJ Akhtar
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 32 (9), 1152-1163, 2018
Anisotropic Metasurface-Based Beam-Scanning Dual-Polarized Fan-Beam Integrated Antenna System
KK Katare, S Chandravanshi, A Sharma, A Biswas, MJ Akhtar
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 67 (12), 7204-7215, 2019
Equilateral triangular dielectric resonator based co‐radiator MIMO antennas with dual‐polarisation
A Sharma, A Sarkar, A Biswas, M Jaleel Akhtar
IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation 12 (14), 2161-2166, 2018
Dual-band stacked circularly polarized microstrip antenna for S and C band applications
S Kumar, A Sharma, BK Kanaujia, MK Khandelwal, AK Gautam
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies 8 (8), 1215-1222, 2016
Fingerprint image enhancement using Wavelet transform and Gabor filtering
V Kakkar, A Sharma, TK Mangalam, P Kar
Acta Technica Napocensis 52 (4), 17, 2011
Millimeter-Wave Quad-Port Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Dielectric Resonator Antenna Excited Differentially by TE 20 Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide
A Sharma, A Sarkar, A Biswas, MJ Akhtar
2019 URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC), 1-4, 2019
A polarization diversity substrate integrated waveguide fed rectangular dielectric resonator antenna
A Sharma, A Sarkar, A Biswas, R Sloan, Z Hu
2016 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), 1-4, 2016
Wideband stacked maltese cross-shaped DR antenna for WiMAX and WLAN applications
A Sharma, A Biswas
IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation 11 (2), 247-252, 2017
Dielectric resonator loaded substrate integrated waveguide cavity backed slot antenna for bandwidth enhancement
A Sharma, S Mukherjee, A Biswas
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI …, 2015
Compact dual-band hybrid dielectric resonator antenna loaded with magnetic-LC resonator
A Sharma, A Sarkar, A Biswas, M Jaleel Akhtar
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 32 (10), 1298-1305, 2018
TE20 Mode Air Filled SIW based Balun Bandpass Filter
M Adhikary, A Sarkar, A Sharma, A Biswas, MJ Akhtar
2018 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), 1-2, 2018
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Articles 1–20