Andrew Parkes
Cited by
Cited by
How dangerous is driving with a mobile phone? Benchmarking the impairment to alcohol
PC Burns, A Parkes, S Burton, RK Smith, D Burch
Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory UK, 2002
Route guidance systems: A comparison of methods of presenting directional information to the driver
AM Parkes, N Coleman
Contemporary ergonomics 1990, 480-485, 1990
Head-up displays and their automotive application: An overview of human factors issues affecting safety
NJ Ward, A Parkes
Accident Analysis & Prevention 26 (6), 703-717, 1994
The alcohol hangover research group consensus statement on best practice in alcohol hangover research.
JC Verster, R Stephens, R Penning, D Rohsenow, J McGeary, D Levy, ...
The Alcohol Hangover Research Group Consensus Statement on Best Practice in Alcohol Hangover Research.
Current Drug Abuse Reviews 3, 116-126, 2010
Driving Future Vehicles
A Parkes, S Franzen
London: Taylor and Francis, 1993
An investigation of train driver visual strategies
T Luke, N Brook-Carter, AM Parkes, E Grimes, A Mills
Cognition, Technology & Work 8, 15-29, 2006
Investigating driver distraction: the effects of video and static advertising.
M Chattington, N Reed, D Basacik, A Flint, AM Parkes
Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory UK, 2009
Investigating driver distraction: the effects of video and static advertising
M Chattington, N Reed, D Basacik, A Flint, A Parkes
Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory UK, 2009
In-vehicle displays, visual workload and usability evaluation
SH Fairclough, MC Ashby, AM Parkes
Vision in vehicles 4, 245-254, 1993
The influence of the use of mobile phones on driver situation awareness
A Parkes, V Hooijmeijer
Driver Distraction Internet Forum, 2000
Drivers business decision making ability whilst using carphones
AM Parkes
Contemporary ergonomics: Proceedings of the Ergonomic Society annual …, 1991
Effect of background scene complexity and field dependence on the legibility of head-up displays for automotive applications
NJ Ward, A Parkes, PR Crone
Human factors 37 (4), 735-745, 1995
The effects of different in-vehicle route information displays on driver behaviour
AM Parkes, MC Ashby, SH Fairclough
Vehicle Navigation and Information Systems Conference, 1991 2, 61-70, 1991
The effect of vision enhancement systems on driver peripheral visual performance
LL Bossi, NJ Ward, AM Parkes, PA Howarth
Ergonomics and safety of intelligent driver interfaces, 239-260, 2020
Doctor! When can I return to driving?’ A review of the current literature on returning to driving after lower limb injury.
K Macleod, R Lingham, H Cheetha, J Lewis, AM Parkes, S Grange, ...
The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 95 (B), 290-294, 2013
How can we produce safer new drivers? A review of the effects of experience, training and limiting exposure on the collision risk of new drivers
S Helman, GB Grayson, AM Parkes
Transport Research Laboratory, 2010
Data capture techniques for RTI usability evaluation
AM Parkes
DRIVE Conference (1991: Brussels, Belgium). Advanced telematics in road …, 1991
An evaluation of medium range" advance information" in route-guidance displays for use in vehicles
AM Parkes, GE Burnett
Proceedings of VNIS'93-Vehicle Navigation and Information Systems Conference …, 1993
Voice communications in vehicles
AM Parkes
Driving future vehicles, 219-228, 1993
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20