Suman Dutta (PhD)
Suman Dutta (PhD)
Department of Chemical Engineering; Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad
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Cited by
A review on production, storage of hydrogen and its utilization as an energy resource
S Dutta
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 20, 1148-1156, 2014
A review on H2 production through photocatalytic reactions using TiO2/ TiO2-assisted catalysts
R Singh, S Dutta
Fuel 220, 607-620, 2018
Fruit juice processing using membrane technology: A review
SD Chiranjit Bhattacharjee, V.K. Saxena
Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 43, 136-153, 2017
Adsorptive removal of chromium (VI) from aqueous solution over powdered activated carbon: Optimisation through response surface methodology
K Anupam, S Dutta, C Bhattacharjee, S Datta
Chemical Engineering Journal 173 (1), 135-143, 2011
A review on biosorptive removal of dyes and heavy metals from wastewater using watermelon rind as biosorbent
B Chiranjit, D Suman, S Vinod K.
Environmental Advances 2, 2020
Novel thermal and non thermal processing of watermelon juice
C Bhattacharjee, VK Saxena, S Dutta
Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2019
Preparation, characterization and optimization for upgrading Leucaena leucocephala bark to biochar fuel with high energy yielding
K Anupam, AK Sharma, PS Lal, S Dutta, S Maity
Energy 106, 743-756, 2016
Synthesis and characterization of solar photoactive TiO2 nanoparticles with enhanced structural and optical properties
R Singh, S Dutta
Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2), 211-219, 2018
Development of an artificial neural network model for adsorption and photocatalysis of reactive dye on TiO2 surface
S Dutta, SA Parsons, C Bhattacharjee, S Bandhyopadhyay, S Datta
Expert Systems with Applications 37 (12), 8634-8638, 2010
Kinetic study of adsorption and photo-decolorization of Reactive Red 198 on TiO2 surface
S Dutta, SA Parsons, C Bhattacharjee, P Jarvis, S Datta, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 155 (3), 674-679, 2009
The role of pH and nitrate concentration in the wet chemical growth of nano-rods shaped ZnO photocatalyst
R Singh, S Dutta
Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects 18, 100250, 2019
Review on Solar Hydrogen: Its Prospects and Limitations
S Dutta
Energy & Fuels, 2021
Qualitative determination of energy potential and methane generation from municipal solid waste (MSW) in Dhanbad (India)
SD Drake Mboowa, Shireen Quereshi, Chiranjit Bhattacharjee, Kukeera Tonny
Energy 123, 386–391, 2017
Optimization in Chemical Engineering
S Dutta
Cambridge University Press, 2015
Review and outlook of hydrogen production through catalytic processes
R Kumar, R Singh, S Dutta
Energy & Fuels, 2024
Insights into the metal salt catalyzed ethyl levulinate synthesis frombiorenewable feedstocks
SD Shireen Quereshi, Ejaz Ahmad, K.K. Pant
Catalysis Today 291, 187-194, 2017
Insights into Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of 5-Ethoxymethylfurfural and Ethyl Levulinate Using Tungsten Disulfide as a Catalyst
S Quereshi, E Ahmad, KKK Pant, S Dutta
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 8 (4), 1721-1729, 2020
Static turbulence promoters in cross-flowmembrane filtration: a review
C Bhattacharjee, VK Saxena, S Dutta
Chemical Engineering Communications 207 (3), 413-433, 2020
Insights into membrane Crystallization: A sustainable tool for value added product recovery from effluent streams
P Das, S Dutta, KK Singh
Separation and Purification Technology, 2021
Effect of different operating parameters on the recovery of proteins from casein whey using a rotating disc membrane ultrafiltration cell
P Sarkar, S Ghosh, S Dutta, D Sen, C Bhattacharjee
Desalination 249 (1), 5-11, 2009
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Articles 1–20