Anjana Kakoti Mahanta
Anjana Kakoti Mahanta
Professor of Computer Science, Gauhati University
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Cited by
QROCK: A quick version of the ROCK algorithm for clustering of categorical data
M Dutta, AK Mahanta, AK Pujari
Pattern Recognition Letters 26 (15), 2364-2373, 2005
A novel approach for dimension reduction using word embedding: An enhanced text classification approach
KN Singh, SD Devi, HM Devi, AK Mahanta
International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 2 (1), 100061, 2022
Finding calendar-based periodic patterns
AK Mahanta, FA Mazarbhuiya, HK Baruah
Pattern Recognition Letters 29 (9), 1274-1284, 2008
Finding locally and periodically frequent sets and periodic association rules
AK Mahanta, FA Mazarbhuiya, HK Baruah
Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence: First International Conference …, 2005
Document representation techniques and their effect on the document Clustering and Classification: A Review.
K Singh, HM Devi, AK Mahanta
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science 8 (5), 2017
CloseMiner: Discovering frequent closed itemsets using frequent closed tidsets
NG Singh, SR Singh, AK Mahanta
Fifth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'05), 4 pp., 2005
Solution of the fuzzy equation A+ X= B using the method of superimposition
FA Mazarbhuiya, AK Mahanta, HK Baruah
Applied Mathematics 2 (8), 1039-1045, 2011
Reduction of number of association rules with inter itemset distance in transaction databases
PKD Sarma, AK Mahanta
International Journal of Database Management Systems 4 (5), 61, 2012
Detecting anomaly using partitioning clustering with merging
FA Mazarbhuiya, MY Alzahrani, AK Mahanta
ICIC Express Lett 14, 951-960, 2020
Prediction of high energy particle shower sizes and core location using artificial neural networks
G Devi, KK Sarma, P Datta, AK Mahanta
Indian Journal of Physics 86, 77-84, 2012
Detection of Calendar-Based Periodicities of Interval-Based Temporal Patterns
M Dutta, AK Mahanta
International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process 2 (1), 17, 2012
Design and development of soundex for assamese language
D Baruah, AK Mahanta
International Journal of Computer Applications 117 (9), 2015
Analysis of changing trends in textual data representation
KN Singh, A Dorendro, HM Devi, AK Mahanta
Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition: Third …, 2021
An algorithm for discovering the frequent closed itemsets in a large database
N Gourakishwar Singh, S Ranbir Singh, AK Mahanta, B Prasad
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 18 (4), 481-499, 2006
An algorithm for clustering large categorical databases using a fuzzy set based approach
M Dutta, AK Mahanta
17th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Cairns, 4-6, 2004
Mining maximal frequent rectangles
I Hazarika, AK Mahanta
Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, 1-24, 2022
An incremental approach for mining all closed intervals from an interval database
NJ Sarmah, AK Mahanta
2014 IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC), 529-532, 2014
Categorical data clustering based on an alternative data representation technique
JP Goswami, AK Mahanta
International Journal of Computer Applications 72 (5), 2013
Mining closed frequent intervals from interval data
AK Mahanta, M Dutta
International Journal of Applied Science and Advance Technology 1 (1), 1-3, 2012
Mining calendar-based periodicities of patterns in temporal data
M Dutta, AK Mahanta
Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence: Third International Conference …, 2009
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Articles 1–20