Dr. Aritra Sarkar
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EBSD based studies on various modes of cyclic deformation at 923 K in a type 316LN stainless steel
A Sarkar, MK Dash, A Nagesha, A Dasgupta, R Sandhya, M Okazaki
Materials Science and Engineering: A 723, 229-237, 2018
Evolution of damage under combined low and high cycle fatigue loading in a type 316LN stainless steel at different temperatures
A Sarkar, A Nagesha, P Parameswaran, R Sandhya, K Laha, M Okazaki
International Journal of Fatigue 103, 28-38, 2017
Influence of dynamic strain aging on the deformation behavior during ratcheting of a 316LN stainless steel
MDM Aritra Sarkar, A. Nagesha , P. Parameswaran, R
Materials Science & Engineering A 564, 359-368, 2013
Mechanisms of failure under low cycle fatigue, high cycle fatigue and creep interactions in combined cycling in a type 316LN stainless steel
A Sarkar, M Okazaki, A Nagesha, P Parameswaran, R Sandhya, K Laha
Materials Science and Engineering: A 683, 24-36, 2017
Influence of prior fatigue cycling on creep behavior of reduced activation ferritic-martensitic steel
A Sarkar, VD Vijayanand, P Parameswaran, V Shankar, R Sandhya, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45, 3023-3035, 2014
Residual stress distribution and elevated temperature fatigue behaviour of laser peened Ti-6Al-4V with a curved surface
K Praveenkumar, P Mylavarapu, A Sarkar, EI Samuel, A Nagesha, ...
International Journal of Fatigue 156, 106641, 2022
Effect of mean stress and stress amplitude on the ratcheting behaviour of 316LN stainless steel under dynamic strain aging regime
RSMDM Aritra Sarkar*, A. Nagesha
MATERIALS AT HIGH TEMPERATURES 29(4) 29 (4), 351-358, 2012
Evaluation of high cycle fatigue behaviour of alloy 617M at 973 K: Haigh diagram and associated mechanisms
AK Karnati, A Sarkar, A Nagesha, P Parameswaran, R Sandhya, ...
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 172, 304-312, 2019
Influence of mean stress and defect distribution on the high cycle fatigue behaviour of cast Ni-Al bronze
A Chakrabarti, A Sarkar, T Saravanan, A Nagesha, R Sandhya, ...
Procedia Engineering 86, 103-110, 2014
Influence of dynamic strain aging on high cycle fatigue behavior of alloy 617M
A Sarkar, A Nagesha, R Sandhya, M Nandagopal, K Laha, AK Bhaduri
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 69, 399-402, 2016
Effect of temperature on ratcheting behavior of 316LN SS
RSMDM Aritra Sarkar*, A. Nagesha
Procedia Engineering 55, 650-654, 2013
Insights into dynamic strain aging under cyclic creep with reference to strain burst: Some new observations and mechanisms. Part-1: Mechanistic aspects
A Sarkar, A Nagesha, P Parameswaran, R Sandhya, K Laha
Materials Science and Engineering: A 660, 213-224, 2016
An EBSD based investigation on the deformation mechanisms under HCF-creep interaction in a Ni-based superalloy (alloy 617M)
A Sarkar, SD Yadav, A Nagesha
Materials Science and Engineering: A 832, 142399, 2022
Mechanism of crack initiation under high cycle fatigue through an EBSD based approach in a 10 wt% Cr steel
A Sarkar, SD Yadav, A Nagesha, K Mariappan, S Ramaseshan
Materials Science and Engineering: A 795, 139940, 2020
Manifestations of dynamic strain aging under low and high cycle fatigue in a type 316LN stainless steel
A Sarkar, A Nagesha, R Sandhya, K Laha, M Okazaki
Materials at High Temperatures 35 (6), 523-528, 2018
Investigation of cumulative fatigue damage through sequential low cycle fatigue and high cycle fatigue cycling at high temperature for a type 316LN stainless steel: life …
A Sarkar, A Nagesha, P Parameswaran, R Sandhya, K Laha, M Okazaki
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 48, 953-964, 2017
Generation of HCF-creep interaction diagram in Alloy 617M at 973 K
A Kumar, A Sarkar, A Nagesha, GA Harmain
International Journal of Fatigue 136, 105612, 2020
Elevated temperature fatigue behaviour of structural materials for advanced ultra supercritical application
A Sarkar, A Nagesha
Materials at High Temperatures 36 (6), 471-478, 2019
Investigation of fracture mechanisms and substructural changes under sequential fatigue cycling involving LCF and HCF loads in a type 316LN stainless steel at 923 K
A Sarkar, A Nagesha, P Parameswaran, R Sandhya, K Laha, M Okazaki
Materials Science and Engineering: A 702, 360-370, 2017
Influence of Casting Defects on SN Fatigue Behavior of Ni-Al Bronze
A Sarkar, A Chakrabarti, A Nagesha, T Saravanan, K Arunmuthu, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 46, 708-725, 2015
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Articles 1–20