Principal Scientist (Retired), ICAR-CIBA, Chennai
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Seasonal abundance and distribution of seeds of mud crab Scylla serrata in Pichavaram mangrove, Southeast India
VS Chandrasekaran, R Natarajan
Journal of Aquaculture in the Tropics 9 (4), 343-350, 1994
Extension approach for an effective fisheries and aquaculture extension service in India
M Kumaran, DD Vimala, VS Chandrasekaran, M Alagappan, S Raja
The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 18 (3), 247-267, 2012
Stomatopods of the Parangipettai coast
PS Lyla, VS Chandrasekaran, SA Khan
Centre of Advanced Study in Marine Biology, Annamalai University, Parangipettai, 1997
The mud crab, Scylla serrata a species for culture and export
VS Chandrasekaran, P Perumal
Seafood Export Journal 25 (5), 15-19, 1993
Mullet seed resources of Pichavaram mangrove, southeast coast of India
VS Chandrasekaran, R Natarajan
Journal of Marine Biological Association of India 35 (1-2), 167-174, 1993
Extent of adoption gaps in good management practices (GMPs) of shrimp farming
M Kumaran, M Alagappan, S Raja, C Sarada, DD Vimala, ...
Indian J. Fish 55 (3), 267-272, 2008
Assessment of challenges faced by the coastal women due to the impact of climatic change in selected coastal districts of Tamil Nadu, India
B Shanthi, P Mahalakshimi, VS Chandrasekaran
Indian Journal of Fisheries 64, 2017
Utilization of ICT based dissemination system for aquaculture and allied activities among clientele of a coastal KVK
P Mahalakshmi, B Shanthi, VS Chandrasekaran, T Ravisankar
Society of Fisheries Technologists (India) Cochin, 2015
Biology and culture of freshwater prawns in North India
VS Chandrasekaran, SP Sharma
Fishing Chimes 17, 7-9, 1997
Small-scale fishery of Pichavaram mangrove swamp, Southeast India
VS Chandrasekaran, R Natarajan
Observations on the ingress and abundance of postlarvae of the penaeid prawn, Penaeus indicus, in Parangipettai, India coastal waters.
R Natarajan, VS Chandrasekaran, S Shanmugam
Aquaculture extension: the neglected aspect in aquaculture development
M Kumaran, VS Chandrasekaran, N Kalaimani
Fishing Chimes 23 (6), 29-34, 2003
Assessing pre and post tsunami impacts on the livelihoods of coastal women using socio-economic and gender analysis (SEAGA)
B Shanthi, P Mahalakshimi, VS Chandrasekaran
Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries: Engendering Security in Fisheries and …, 2016
Relationship between plankton and finfish and shellfish juveniles in Pichavaram mangrove waterways, southeast coast of India
VS Chandrasekaran
Seaweed Res Utiln 22, 199-207, 2000
Socio-economic and gender analysis in aquaculture
B Shanthi, M Krishnan, VS Chandrasekaran
Centeral Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture (ICAR), 2010
Effect of feeding frequency on the growth of Macrobachium lamarrei lamarroides (Tiwari)
VS Chandrasekharan, HCS Bisht, UP Singh
Indian J. Fish 52 (1), 111-113, 2005
Crab fattening: a livelihood option for the coastal women Self Help Groups
B Shanthi, K Ambasankar, M Krishnan, CP Balasubramaniam, ...
Society of Fisheries Technologists (India) Cochin, 2010
Pond culture of the freshwater prawn in the Tarai region of Uttar Pradesh.
VS Chandrasekaran, VK Singh, RS Rajendra Singh
Edible oyster spat-fall at Parangipettai Backwaters, south-east India
VS Chandrasekaran, R Natarajan
The Third Indian Fisheries Forum, Proceedings, 67-70, 1993
Acute toxicity of pesticide sevin (Carbamate) and its effects on the oxygen consumption of juveniles of the tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon Fabricius
VS Chandrasekaran, R Natarajan
Proc. Symp. Phys. Resp. Anim. Pollutants, 48-52, 1982
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