John Wann
John Wann
Royal Holloway, Univ of London
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Natural problems for stereoscopic depth perception in virtual environments
JP Wann, S Rushton, M Mon-Williams
Vision research 35 (19), 2731-2736, 1995
Does limb proprioception drift?
JP Wann, SF Ibrahim
Experimental brain research 91, 162-166, 1992
What does virtual reality NEED?: human factors issues in the design of three-dimensional computer environments
J Wann, M Mon-Williams
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 44 (6), 829-847, 1996
Guidance of locomotion on foot uses perceived target location rather than optic flow
SK Rushton, JM Harris, MR Lloyd, JP Wann
Current Biology 8 (21), 1191-1194, 1998
Weighted combination of size and disparity: a computational model for timing a ball catch
SK Rushton, JP Wann
Nature neuroscience 2 (2), 186-190, 1999
Anticipating arrival: Is the tau margin a specious theory?
JP Wann
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 22 (4 …, 1996
Improving vision: neural compensation for optical defocus
M Mon-Williams, JR Tresilian, NC Strang, P Kochhar, JP Wann
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 1998
Relation between velocity and curvature in movement: equivalence and divergence between a power law and a minimum-jerk model.
J Wann, I Nimmo-Smith, AM Wing
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human perception and performance 14 (4), 622, 1988
Why you should look where you are going
JP Wann, DK Swapp
Nature neuroscience 3 (7), 647-648, 2000
Steering with or without the flow: is the retrieval of heading necessary?
J Wann, M Land
Trends in cognitive sciences 4 (8), 319-324, 2000
Controlling steering and judging heading: retinal flow, visual direction, and extraretinal information.
R Wilkie, J Wann
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 29 (2), 363, 2003
Eye-movements aid the control of locomotion
RM Wilkie, JP Wann
Journal of vision 3 (11), 3-3, 2003
Eye movements, prematurity and developmental co-ordination disorder
T Langaas, M Mon-Williams, JP Wann, E Pascal, C Thompson
Vision research 38 (12), 1817-1826, 1998
Motorcycle accident risk could be inflated by a time to arrival illusion
MS Horswill, S Helman, P Ardiles, JP Wann
Optometry and Vision Science 82 (8), 740-746, 2005
Postural control and co-ordination disorders: The swinging room revisited
JP Wann, M Mon-Williams, K Rushton
Human Movement Science 17 (4-5), 491-513, 1998
Perceiving time to collision activates the sensorimotor cortex
DT Field, JP Wann
Current Biology 15 (5), 453-458, 2005
Trends in the refinement and optimization of fine-motor trajectories: Observations from an analysis of the handwriting of primary school children
JP Wann
Journal of motor Behavior 19 (1), 13-37, 1987
Synaesthesia in the normal limb
M Mon-Williams, JP Wann, M Jenkinson, K Rushton
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 1997
Training perceptual-motor skills for sport
B Abernethy, JP Wann, S Parks
Wiley, 1998
Active gaze, visual look-ahead, and locomotor control.
RM Wilkie, JP Wann, RS Allison
Journal of experimental psychology: Human perception and performance 34 (5 …, 2008
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